
For 30-40’s employee who is trying to step forward. This is exercise for break the rules.

Promotion. Evaluation, Personnel change, Loan, Transfer.
If you are in company or organization, the trend around you and the change of the business environment will disturb your mind.
Especially in the Japanese company, people who evaluate you decide your position by variety of situations and circumstances,
In order to focus on your business, let's stop persist in consideration of your environment which cloud your judgment.

Golden ratio of God

Have you ever heard the research of working ant that 20% work well, 60% work normally and 20% don’t work at all. This is the story is well known in such as organizational theory. However if you change the viewpoint you would realize that competitive volume zone is "normally work 60%." Competition brings domination, plunder, the jealousy and criticism.
Do, or not to do. Is there only me who believe that furious hard worker who think work is hobby and people who think hobby is work like *Tora-san hobby bring organization energy?  *Tora-san is Japanese famous movie character.

New 3 self-evaluation.

1. "Evaluation on an absolute scale" Company is not a school. Relative evaluation is meaningless.
2. "A problem child" 3% of the top and 3% of the bottom success in life.
It is only one lesson from the teacher I remembered when I was in high school.
3. "Person who has experience of working on a remote corner of the country" There is a way on the back that a person goes, and it is a mountain flower.

Buy when others sell; Sell when others buy.

Common sense of macro, lack of common sense of micro
I couldn’t send a FAX from the convenience store. I wanted to send a fax to the United States. Japan has a big economic power; GDP is the world’s third largest; and globalization is proceeding. Even though a lot of tourists visit Japan from foreign countries, I visited 3 convenience stores to find out the Fax which is available to send to United States. A few years ago, when I heard the new employee would transfer to her hometown where she wanted to go, I told her “Congratulation”. After that person who near to me (he was manager) said to me “You shouldn’t say such a thing loudly”. “Leave Tokyo” I heard such worthless story many times, but it is not period of high economic growth now. At present many tourists from overseas arrived directly the old town of ancient hunting communities lived which near to cobblestone old road of Gifu Mountain which likely to bear shows up.  I want you to find the truth not from this fact and not from stereotype thinking.

Let’s focus on your business..Best wishes to you! 

read more "For 30-40’s employee who is trying to step forward. This is exercise for break the rules."











今日も明快。 あなたを応援しています。by isso


にほんブログ村 企業ブログへ

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read more "【30秒で解決する仕事術】デキる社員の即決アドバイス4選"


For 20-30’s employee who is bad at make plan. This is action program to create new project and make $10 million.

You make an appointment and plan. You arrange business talk and meeting.
You might have been entrusted to setup and prepare a variety of things in day-to-day business.
If you want advance project, you need the engine which bring your clients and your team motivation and sense of speed.
Do you want to be this engine? If you want, what you can do to move the big locomotive which everybody chooses to watch from the sidelines?

Draw a conclusion and make decision first. Put your heart and soul into your action.
Which one do you choose? You decide or just go with the flow. These two choices lead you totally different result. If you choose to decide something, you take the responsibility of the process and the result. Then you will have a sense of responsibility.
If you choose to go with the flow, the responsibility of process and result might be ambiguous and your value would disappear. “Lead or just watch” Let’s act as one of your custom to be the engine.

Speak shortly and no excuse.
This is the technique how you are going to be well-liked in business.

The people whom I revere are always acting gracefully, like the president, director, or people who succeeded in sales. I found the similarity from sporting man. The short words and sportsmanlike act attract people.

1 Make a selection of appointment
Make only 3 appointments per day and make an assumption of place.
2 Shorten a contact.
Tell just 1 conclusion, 3 choices and direct situation report. Follow this order. Even robot can report,     contact and consult.
3 Leave quickly. 
Encourage to finish work and leave quickly

How about it? Let’s draw a conclusion and make decision first. If you act before talk, you are going to be well-liked in business. You win somebody’s confidence from your act and you lose this from your excuse.
Great Effect1
 You can focus on “now” and it removes your excuse from past and future.
Great Effect2
  Comfortable rhythm brings you the flow of speed of sense.
Great Effect3
  Your sense of responsibility makes you next act.

Have you ever try to call your work as “project”? It is funny things that if you call job, labor or work as “project” as you please, the world you see might be so different. I realized one thing when I call my work as “project” freely to make my business bigger.My conclusion is when your business expands and makes more money; you get money by your personality and not your skill. When you earn more than a fixed amount of money, it depends on value of your existence and not value of your contribution. When you make up your mind to bring your company and society more value than you want for reward, you will receive request of project which is same value of your existence. This is my conviction.

Let’s decide and act right now.Best wishes to you!

read more "For 20-30’s employee who is bad at make plan. This is action program to create new project and make $10 million."


For 30’s employee who’re able to keep calm. This is action program to create new project and make $10 million.

To you who want to do something with your shallow material before you meet the client

When you arrived at your office on the morning, you are already prepared for the negotiations with your precious client this afternoon. You practiced 3 times for presentation and your data was well considered. Then you left the office cheerfully and you went to Starbucks and check data with drinking a couple of coffee before business talk. Do you have such experience before?

In reality, you ran around to check the data which you finished last mid night. No matter how your colleagues blame you, you occupied 3 copy machines to print the data. Then you took the data and left the office even if you wanted to go bathroom. After that, you bound your data on taxi. However business talk wasn't quite. When the conversation was finished you might think “Maybe my preparation wasn't enough” To be honest, this is my experience. How about you?

Is it “preparation isn't enough” Syndrome?

If you are customer, which one do you prefer? 1st one is the propose from people without confident even they prepared last mid night. 2nd one is interesting idea but people who prepared propose this morning and not match the theme of conversation. I don’t want choose both but I prefer the latter. If we work hard with effort, there is no lack of preparation. So I want you to stop saying “It was lack of preparation” or show how you are so nervous when you meet with your client. I want you to become cheerful and be trusted from your clients.

Today’s 3 actions

30 minutes action to reversal.

Let’s forget about perfectionism. When it comes to the pinch I recommend you to enjoy the situation and change it to your chance. You don’t have to worry that you're not perfect. Nobody knows that the information what your customer wants and the information what you want to provide is same or not. So let’s use these small 3 actions with limited time to make connection between your clients.

1 “Report from web” Instant Market Research
 Let’s download the PDF data from web site and combine a cover.
2 “Find some information from bookstore” Instant Consultant
 Let’s go to the bookstore and read technical book fast. If you make information gap between your customers, they will treat you as an expert.
3 “Research the products at the store” Instant investigator
  Let’s leave your office immediately and go to the store. Take a picture and buy some products from the store. I recommend you to write the report of the store and bring it to the meeting.

When you have the presentation I want you to be confident. You don’t have to worry anything even client’s reaction was unresponsive. On this occasion, let’s shorten your presentation to improve your recovery skills and focus on your sales to make your profit.

Great Effect 1
Your client may believe you like you have a lot of knowledge. If you keep gathering information in long term, the gap between you and your clients would become wider and wider

Great Effect 2
When it comes to a pinch, you can handle it. You will be able to change the force of the argument.

Why you should start a new business and make ten million dollars[Episode 9]

Nobody can change limitation of time even if you are excellent business person. When you deal with the business very seriously, you may see chaos and unsightly sight in front of your eyes. But if you spent whole time to deal with huge amount of the work, you would find some great idea of rationalization. You couldn’t find the idea of the way to approach your ideal goal from day-to-day peaceful office. You could find the idea from your mind which you fought yourself with enthusiasm.

Enjoy your critical situation. Best wishes to you!

read more "For 30’s employee who’re able to keep calm. This is action program to create new project and make $10 million."








1本の電話で起きました。「集合時間だぞ。」どうも寝坊したようです。集合場所への移動に1時間以上かかるので朝の集合時間には間に合いません。「  あ  」思い出しました。遅刻した私が集合場所に来るまで全員が腕立て伏せをして待っているということを。応援団の集合時間に遅刻したのです。私にできることは「失礼しました」と謝罪をして今すぐ出ることだけです。電車の中でも、自転車移動の最中も、腕立て伏せをして待っている仲間の為に私ができることは1つもありません。私にできる唯一のこと、それはいますぐ集合場所へ向かう、ただそれだけです。あなたにも、ビジネスで相対しづらいことがあるかもしれません。しかし私はいま思うのです。あのとき恐怖心と羞恥心から逃げず、マヌケ面を晒し続けて本当に良かったと。

今日もとにかく出かけよう。 あなたを応援しています。by isso


にほんブログ村 企業ブログへ

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read more "【信頼される20代へ】ビジネスに相対する「突入実践トレーニング」"






勤務評価は逆効果? 社員の士気損なうケースも ウォール・ストリート・ジャーナルより。



価格: 1,030円
(2015/07/16 10:57時点 )



今日も一心不乱。あなたを応援しています。 by isso


にほんブログ村 企業ブログへ

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read more "【デキる中堅社員の評価基準】絶対評価で下らない競争を突破せよ。"

For 30-40’s employee who don’t blame someone. This is action program to create new business and make $10 million.

To you who blamed yourself because you planned project with all your might but your client said “I’m not interested”

I guess you have some experience of your clients react was hard to interpret it
“Was it my fault?” “Or was there some problem with what we talked on negotiation?” “Wasn't there some problem with our plan?” 
If you stand for client’s point of view, you might confuse when you tried to interpret.

I think there is many way to mention “I’m not interested”. But I recommend you to don’t take what they said seriously. It is nonsense that they tried to make your solution from what they remarked emotional and ambiguous expression. The problem should solve by express our opinion specifically to argue each other to make a compromise. I believe it is impossible to find fundamental solution or improve something if they depended on their abstract criticism about you. But if your clients don’t change their style, what should you do?

Well, there is no other choice. The choice is to change your interpretation of your client’s ambiguous remark.You have strong confidence and strong bond between your company. You shouldn't be “austere coward” who take seriously of what your client’s criticize and blame your company.

3 Actions you should start today

You and your partners are already succeeded everything. Success or fail is just dependent on you or your value judgement. When you admire oneself and your partner independent of result everyone around you show you respect and they seem you as leader.

1 Let’s say “Perfect” to praise someone’s effort any time.

2 Let’s say “The tide is running in our favor” even you felt only 1% of the wind.

3 Let’s say “We can make it next time” to lead next step.

How was it? There are many wise remarks to encourage us from great man. In this part I introduced my experience of how I was encouraged and I remarked in practice.  When I heard these remarks, the situation was getting worse than you expect. The leader remarked those words after he seemed absolutely failed the business conversation. I want you to remark something positive things to make your team laugh repeatedly.

Great effect 1

Praise yourself and your partners. If you do so people around you respect you and relationship of your team would be much stronger.

Great effect 2
If you keep that mind, you won’t worry about small thing anymore and you could prepare for bigger market.

Why you should start a new business and make ten million dollars[Episode 8]

Is there any leader you could respect? When you work as a leader to start the project, your men and younger member watching how you deal with your boss and clients very carefully. On this occasion you shouldn't blame yourself or your member. But even if your clients or boss criticize or make fun of you and you show everyone how you are miserable, nobody disrespect you because you protect your member. When you blame yourself too strong or find the cause somewhere you lose their respect.

Everyone is perfect every day.Best wishes to you!

read more "For 30-40’s employee who don’t blame someone. This is action program to create new business and make $10 million."


For 20-30’s employees who get nervous. This is 3 steps action program to create new business and make $10 million.

To you who get nervous when you speech something even you think nobody listening what you're saying

You like conversation and speak frequently when you talk with your friend or close colleague usually. When you talk with inside of the same group you could take initiative of conversation. However, when it comes to presentation in front of more than 3 audiences, you always get nervous. I guess there are many people think oneself that you aren't suitable of speech. I guess it is because you think audiences don’t listening what you're saying.

In the first place, why do we get nervous when we speech something? Is it because your preparation is not enough? Or is it because you aren't suitable? To begin with, are audiences listening? To be honest with you I never think I am good at speech even I have many experience of it. When it comes to presentation what I wanted to say was heap. In spite of I tried to summarize my speech, it digress from the main subject in practice. Contrary to my intention, I made a gap of my speech cause of my misunderstanding.
So I changed my mind. I started to observe the presentation. Then I tried to change the situation.

Please, don’t mind your sideburns!

If you have a chance to have presentation with your client soon, there is something I want you to observe. If presentation is first thing in morning for client, aren't they concern about next meeting? If presentation starts afternoon, aren't audiences look sleepy because they are full? If presentation starts Friday, aren't they quite delighted because of their dating at night?  Then you will realize people have up and down or likes and dislikes. And what clients concern about is not your speech but their own sideburns which has grown too long.

Today’s 3 steps action programTurns to others help. This is Magic Presentation. You need just 5 sec to achieve

You are stage director. Let’s try to use all means to raise everyone’s spirits. Enlist everything as a supporter and produce an entertainment.
Clients and colleagues aren't just audience but they are part of your presentation. You should stop to think that ‘I am the only one to speech’. Let’s bring all of them up to the stage.

1 “Master enter the stage” Let’s arrange magnificent scene and have their settlement.

2 “Bring something” Let’s overwhelm clients by Models, trial piece, movie and sounds.

3 “Bring their favorite person” Let’s bring client’s favorite person on presentation.

How about it?
There are many choices. Not only use beautiful PowerPoint with graph to explain everything on your own is presentation. Forget about elder’s advice and beautiful gorgeous presentation. Your goal is to have settlement with your client and receive money. Even everyone give high praised to your speech, you cannot live without settlement and receive money. Only presentation or sales which bring you outcome improve your project and uplift people around you.

Why you should start a new business and make ten million dollars[Episode 7]

When your business expands, degree of attention to you becomes higher. They will realize how you are so strong and distinguished. On the other hand they will also realize your weak point and silliness. But I want you to have courage to work for bigger project with people who understand you. $10 thousand multiply to 10 is $100 thousand. $100 thousand multiply to 10 is $1 million. $1 million multiply to 10 is $10 million.
What you’re working $10 million business is important even you are one of the team.
But it is more important to you to create $10 thousand business by on your own. Let’s make $10 thousand multiply to 10 times and further to 10 times and gain your experience to make your own dignified business.

Let’s disclose yourself.   Best wishes to you!


read more "For 20-30’s employees who get nervous. This is 3 steps action program to create new business and make $10 million."


For elegant office worker. This is action program to start new project and make 10 million dollars.

To you who coming back from business trip by taking an overcrowded Shinkansen and eating 551’s steamed bun

*551 is the name of food shop in Japan. 551’s steamed bun is one of very famous food in Japan.

If you go out on a domestic business trip a lot in Japan, I guess you have experience of taking overcrowded Shinkansen.

No matter where your seat is center of 3 seats or whenever it is rush hour, you have to take Shinkansen to go business trip destination or go back to your home.

You are pressed with adjusting your work until yesterday. You created and filed documents on Shinkansen. After that, you printed the Power Point and Excel data which you couldn't print yesterday. You also ask a favor to your colleagues to send on the data. Above your hard works made your presentation well done. However, you have to stay with people who occupied armrest or people who sit with one’s legs spread apart to insist their territory while you taking a Shinkansen to going back to your home.
Then you might think “I’m exhausted. Even going back to home is tiresome”

Let’s have ecstatic feeling and prepare for tomorrow

Do you have experience of taking Shinkansen’s first-class car?
My first experience of taking this one was when I was trying to go back to my home after I was up all night and finished the presentation at Osaka.
I thought it isn’t so much worth to take it, but I was totally wrong
On first Shinkansen’s first-class’s boarding position is close to escalator, unlike other vehicles. In addition other passengers are quiet and your seat is wide.
In this section, I will introduce you 3 situations when you should take first-class car for applauding your today’s act and preparing for tomorrow.

Today’s program

3 situations of you should take first-class car

Let’s improve your today’s feeling of satisfaction. You are business person who flying high and you can bring your customers more value. Don’t be superficial knowledge man.
Let’s try to use executive service and tell your client what you have experienced.

1 “When today was your best day” Enjoy your perfect day
2 “When tomorrow will be tough” Let’s refresh yourself and prepare for tomorrow
3 “When you want to file documents witch is tiresome” It is comfortable to file memo and receipt

Maybe some of you have an experience of taking Shinkansen’s first-class car in past. If your experience was long time ago, I want you to take this service again to reset your attitude. This experience will change your conventional thinking to person who can find and determine the essence of time and value. Let’s enjoy your aboard on your best and restore your energy for tomorrow.

Why you should start a new business and make ten million dollars [Episode 5]

“Am I pressed with work? Or Am I creating business? I call creating business is “*ビジネス-Bizinesu- (Business)”. I call be pressed with work is “*仕事-Shigoto-. Shigoto always take away your thoughts and time. Then you lose your concentration and silence. Until you are pressed with work, what I called Bizinesu evolve more. People who neglect to improve oneself cannot catch up the speed of this evolution. So we need two points of view that create a business and look ahead the near future. The compass witch leads you need your will of making $10 million and will of “Do everything by oneself”.
If you want to catch up the speed of business evolve, there is no excuse that you are manager or salesperson or planner. There are only two choices. “Do” or “Not to do”

*Business” or “Work” translates to “Shigoto” in Japanese.

read more "For elegant office worker. This is action program to start new project and make 10 million dollars."








いま、あなたが決めて行動しよう。あなたを応援しています。by isso


にほんブログ村 企業ブログへ

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read more "【20-30代社員段取り術】モテるアポ・連絡・要件の絞り方"


For shy employee. This is action program to start new business and make $10 million.

To you who can't make good remark in your office because of your shyness

It is far from announcement. Even presentation or asking question is difficult because you are diffident to talk something. I guess some of you think that “I can’t speak well even my first language”. Perhaps the cause is your past experience that you asked revolutionary stupid question or remarked irrelevant opinion and people around you gave attention or pointed out what you said.

However your misdirected remarks and opinions would give positive effect on the meeting.
It will bring you interesting discussions and change the atmosphere of the meeting. At least you speak something makes others to realize “you are here” and this is the significance of speaking.
By all means, I recommend you to have the courage to remark the goofy opinions and ideas stupid.

Recommend  Let’s utilize the internal meetings

For company employee, there is a much-valued practice location. It is the "internal meetings".
The accumulated time is beyond the sales and negotiation opportunities with meaningful customer. Even the incredibly long history of Japanese companies cannot disinfect this customs. It is ancient orgasm which vitality is almost same as cockroaches. It is "internal meetings".
Let’s announce your wonderful opinions and ideas that change your world on internal meeting!

<Today's three-step program>

Exercise of overcome your shyness by utilize meeting

For preparing your debut, let’s express yourself immediately how you are kinky funny.
In this section, I introduce you self-discipline exercise of vocalize and remark.

1 “Everyone is stupid” This is a fact but mutter it in your mind.

2 Let’s Vocalize “a”. After that, say “It’s nothing”

3 Let’s nod strongly what others remarks to create the situation of what your free speech would be accepted.

2 is Japanese great writer Osamu Dazai’s novel “The Setting Sun” impressive passage.
It is not you but the others are stupid and to find out fault with people who speak ahead is mean.
I know that you blush for shame but get used to it

It is your mission to take a lead to say silly, foolish, irrelevant opinion and idea. It will bring company the revolution and crush “Commentator” who says just mediocrity and empty remarks.
Let's get in to practice 1 through 3 to break out your shell and go to next stage.

“Children of Nara"

I organized quiz tournaments for children on shopping mall across the country in past.
When I asked the children "Raise your hand if you found out answer" in Nara, most of the children have raised their hands. Then I asked them to what is answer and they replied unashamedly "I don’t know," It isn't only one child said so. I guess some of you might complain in typing people "Kansai". But I got similar experience many times in the past. I think these are suggesting you and me very important thing. We shouldn't lose to Nara children. 

*Nara is an Kansai area. In Japan, people in Kansai well known as assertive.

Be brave to catch people’s eyes and their attention. Show your presence to nobody cannot ignore you for take the initiative. Let’s try to act impossible thing because nobody has reason to find a fault with. 

Why you should start a new business and make ten million dollars [Episode 4]

What do you think if someone asked you "Do you think you have a quality of a leader in your own?"? I think there are many project leaders or mangers exist that they think themselves “I’m not suitable to be leader” in company organization. I know there are various types of leaders but there are 3 points in common according to my experience. The first point is “They already have answers”. Basically they insist what they want and ignore what others think about.The second is “They are in center”. It is not abstract sense. They sit or stand in center position.The third is “They speak something”. They become facilitator or speak something at the beginning of meeting. If there is a mike, they put the power on and speak. If you don’t care people around and peak something at the beginning of meeting, I will consider that you are leader. 

Let’s make people laugh. Best wishes to you!


read more "For shy employee. This is action program to start new business and make $10 million."




実際のところは、昨日夜中までかかった資料のチェックをしてバタバタと音を立てて駆けずりまわり、どけどけと言わんばかりに同僚を蹴散らして顰蹙を買いながらコピー機を3台占拠、出力した資料をまとめトイレも我慢して飛び出していく。タクシーに乗り込みながら資料を製本して目的地に到着、商談の反応は、良くない。 そして商談が終わり思うのです。「準備が足りなかった、かな?」 


3.「店舗でリサーチ 」即席覆面調査員






今日も小さなピンチを楽しもう。あなたを応援しています。 by isso


にほんブログ村 企業ブログへ

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read more "【稼ぐ30代の仕事術】急場を凌ぐ商談前30分即席アクション"












みんな、今日も明日も完璧だ。あなたを応援してます。 by isso

read more "【中堅会社員の仕事術】あなたのチームに勇気をもたらす3つの言葉"


For thirty’s mid-career employee who is impatience Practice Action to make $10 million business.

To you who fainted in agony because you took taxi and paid out of your own pocket

I think many of you are trying to shorten commute time because you work hard every day. Perhaps you may take taxi and pay out of your own pocket to keep the important promise between your customers. Then, you might think “Taxi is so comfortable and useful”
Indeed many of company trying to reduce the transportation cost and they prohibited that employee take taxi for work. Employer use unspoken pressure to pay out of employee’s own pocket to pay taxi fee. After that, you look around and see your colleague attitude. Then you might asking yourself “Oops, I have to stop taking taxi”

I guess the voice of your mind is screaming of huge employee in Japan
But I want you to think carefully. I think it is admirable that you kept compromise between your clients by take taxi and pay out of your own pocket. I also took taxi from Asahikawa to Hakodate (Distance is 500 km!) and I paid out of my own pocket.
 *I’ll talk detail about the story next time. 
It is wasting of time to be upset. Stop it right away.

*In Japan majority of people commute the company by train, bus or walking

Today’s 3 step action

Self-discipline experiment
Using taxi and pay out of your own pocket

Your precious money must be spent for raise your worth. The time when you are moving, ensure you private space for you and discipline yourself. In a mean time I said Wealth is infinity. Forget about little expense and let’s use your time wisely.
In this section I will tell you the way of using taxi to improve yourself.

1 “Information gathering” Talk to driver and get new idea
2 “Absolute Gentleman” Let’s train patience to show a margin whatever happened.
3“Take a taxi over long distance” Stop thinking that pay out of your own pocket is a loss.

How about it?
You create your own future to be cool. So let’s think the strategy while you are moving and organize the image. After you arrived at destination, keep cool face and make a business negotiation. “Environment” changes everything. Environment moves subconscious and affect your words and actions to determine the results. Others opinion or customs aren't necessarily correct. Let’s make a conscious reform agnostic stereotype.
  You become your future of cool, the move also to organize the image while kneading the strategy, let's hope the negotiations by the cool face even after arrival at the destination.

A great effect: 1
Do what you want to be. Your behavior in taxi creates your own future.

A great effect: 2
Your impression of people around you would change. Behavior of people in restaurant or taxi revealed people’s true self.

Why you should start a new business and make ten million dollars [Episode 3]

 “Time” It is money and life. For you, pay for out of its own pocket might be increasing the amount of lavish expenditure. However I strongly recommend you to spend your money for ensure your time. Prior investment is lifeline to expand business and you are no exception for company to expand the business.
But, if you keep the relationship, your place will remain unchanged forever.
It is very important that you and your employee are all square.
As long as you are employee, probably you will be busier because of expand of your company’s business. Whether you spent your money for improve your capacity or not
Whether you spare time for define the purpose and image your future or not
It is fact that these attitudes and actions will decide your future of 10 years.

Invest yourself. Best wishes to you!

read more "For thirty’s mid-career employee who is impatience Practice Action to make $10 million business."