
For 30-40’s employee who don’t blame someone. This is action program to create new business and make $10 million.

To you who blamed yourself because you planned project with all your might but your client said “I’m not interested”

I guess you have some experience of your clients react was hard to interpret it
“Was it my fault?” “Or was there some problem with what we talked on negotiation?” “Wasn't there some problem with our plan?” 
If you stand for client’s point of view, you might confuse when you tried to interpret.

I think there is many way to mention “I’m not interested”. But I recommend you to don’t take what they said seriously. It is nonsense that they tried to make your solution from what they remarked emotional and ambiguous expression. The problem should solve by express our opinion specifically to argue each other to make a compromise. I believe it is impossible to find fundamental solution or improve something if they depended on their abstract criticism about you. But if your clients don’t change their style, what should you do?

Well, there is no other choice. The choice is to change your interpretation of your client’s ambiguous remark.You have strong confidence and strong bond between your company. You shouldn't be “austere coward” who take seriously of what your client’s criticize and blame your company.

3 Actions you should start today

You and your partners are already succeeded everything. Success or fail is just dependent on you or your value judgement. When you admire oneself and your partner independent of result everyone around you show you respect and they seem you as leader.

1 Let’s say “Perfect” to praise someone’s effort any time.

2 Let’s say “The tide is running in our favor” even you felt only 1% of the wind.

3 Let’s say “We can make it next time” to lead next step.

How was it? There are many wise remarks to encourage us from great man. In this part I introduced my experience of how I was encouraged and I remarked in practice.  When I heard these remarks, the situation was getting worse than you expect. The leader remarked those words after he seemed absolutely failed the business conversation. I want you to remark something positive things to make your team laugh repeatedly.

Great effect 1

Praise yourself and your partners. If you do so people around you respect you and relationship of your team would be much stronger.

Great effect 2
If you keep that mind, you won’t worry about small thing anymore and you could prepare for bigger market.

Why you should start a new business and make ten million dollars[Episode 8]

Is there any leader you could respect? When you work as a leader to start the project, your men and younger member watching how you deal with your boss and clients very carefully. On this occasion you shouldn't blame yourself or your member. But even if your clients or boss criticize or make fun of you and you show everyone how you are miserable, nobody disrespect you because you protect your member. When you blame yourself too strong or find the cause somewhere you lose their respect.

Everyone is perfect every day.Best wishes to you!


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