
For shy employee. This is action program to start new business and make $10 million.

To you who can't make good remark in your office because of your shyness

It is far from announcement. Even presentation or asking question is difficult because you are diffident to talk something. I guess some of you think that “I can’t speak well even my first language”. Perhaps the cause is your past experience that you asked revolutionary stupid question or remarked irrelevant opinion and people around you gave attention or pointed out what you said.

However your misdirected remarks and opinions would give positive effect on the meeting.
It will bring you interesting discussions and change the atmosphere of the meeting. At least you speak something makes others to realize “you are here” and this is the significance of speaking.
By all means, I recommend you to have the courage to remark the goofy opinions and ideas stupid.

Recommend  Let’s utilize the internal meetings

For company employee, there is a much-valued practice location. It is the "internal meetings".
The accumulated time is beyond the sales and negotiation opportunities with meaningful customer. Even the incredibly long history of Japanese companies cannot disinfect this customs. It is ancient orgasm which vitality is almost same as cockroaches. It is "internal meetings".
Let’s announce your wonderful opinions and ideas that change your world on internal meeting!

<Today's three-step program>

Exercise of overcome your shyness by utilize meeting

For preparing your debut, let’s express yourself immediately how you are kinky funny.
In this section, I introduce you self-discipline exercise of vocalize and remark.

1 “Everyone is stupid” This is a fact but mutter it in your mind.

2 Let’s Vocalize “a”. After that, say “It’s nothing”

3 Let’s nod strongly what others remarks to create the situation of what your free speech would be accepted.

2 is Japanese great writer Osamu Dazai’s novel “The Setting Sun” impressive passage.
It is not you but the others are stupid and to find out fault with people who speak ahead is mean.
I know that you blush for shame but get used to it

It is your mission to take a lead to say silly, foolish, irrelevant opinion and idea. It will bring company the revolution and crush “Commentator” who says just mediocrity and empty remarks.
Let's get in to practice 1 through 3 to break out your shell and go to next stage.

“Children of Nara"

I organized quiz tournaments for children on shopping mall across the country in past.
When I asked the children "Raise your hand if you found out answer" in Nara, most of the children have raised their hands. Then I asked them to what is answer and they replied unashamedly "I don’t know," It isn't only one child said so. I guess some of you might complain in typing people "Kansai". But I got similar experience many times in the past. I think these are suggesting you and me very important thing. We shouldn't lose to Nara children. 

*Nara is an Kansai area. In Japan, people in Kansai well known as assertive.

Be brave to catch people’s eyes and their attention. Show your presence to nobody cannot ignore you for take the initiative. Let’s try to act impossible thing because nobody has reason to find a fault with. 

Why you should start a new business and make ten million dollars [Episode 4]

What do you think if someone asked you "Do you think you have a quality of a leader in your own?"? I think there are many project leaders or mangers exist that they think themselves “I’m not suitable to be leader” in company organization. I know there are various types of leaders but there are 3 points in common according to my experience. The first point is “They already have answers”. Basically they insist what they want and ignore what others think about.The second is “They are in center”. It is not abstract sense. They sit or stand in center position.The third is “They speak something”. They become facilitator or speak something at the beginning of meeting. If there is a mike, they put the power on and speak. If you don’t care people around and peak something at the beginning of meeting, I will consider that you are leader. 

Let’s make people laugh. Best wishes to you!


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