
For elegant office worker. This is action program to start new project and make 10 million dollars.

To you who coming back from business trip by taking an overcrowded Shinkansen and eating 551’s steamed bun

*551 is the name of food shop in Japan. 551’s steamed bun is one of very famous food in Japan.

If you go out on a domestic business trip a lot in Japan, I guess you have experience of taking overcrowded Shinkansen.

No matter where your seat is center of 3 seats or whenever it is rush hour, you have to take Shinkansen to go business trip destination or go back to your home.

You are pressed with adjusting your work until yesterday. You created and filed documents on Shinkansen. After that, you printed the Power Point and Excel data which you couldn't print yesterday. You also ask a favor to your colleagues to send on the data. Above your hard works made your presentation well done. However, you have to stay with people who occupied armrest or people who sit with one’s legs spread apart to insist their territory while you taking a Shinkansen to going back to your home.
Then you might think “I’m exhausted. Even going back to home is tiresome”

Let’s have ecstatic feeling and prepare for tomorrow

Do you have experience of taking Shinkansen’s first-class car?
My first experience of taking this one was when I was trying to go back to my home after I was up all night and finished the presentation at Osaka.
I thought it isn’t so much worth to take it, but I was totally wrong
On first Shinkansen’s first-class’s boarding position is close to escalator, unlike other vehicles. In addition other passengers are quiet and your seat is wide.
In this section, I will introduce you 3 situations when you should take first-class car for applauding your today’s act and preparing for tomorrow.

Today’s program

3 situations of you should take first-class car

Let’s improve your today’s feeling of satisfaction. You are business person who flying high and you can bring your customers more value. Don’t be superficial knowledge man.
Let’s try to use executive service and tell your client what you have experienced.

1 “When today was your best day” Enjoy your perfect day
2 “When tomorrow will be tough” Let’s refresh yourself and prepare for tomorrow
3 “When you want to file documents witch is tiresome” It is comfortable to file memo and receipt

Maybe some of you have an experience of taking Shinkansen’s first-class car in past. If your experience was long time ago, I want you to take this service again to reset your attitude. This experience will change your conventional thinking to person who can find and determine the essence of time and value. Let’s enjoy your aboard on your best and restore your energy for tomorrow.

Why you should start a new business and make ten million dollars [Episode 5]

“Am I pressed with work? Or Am I creating business? I call creating business is “*ビジネス-Bizinesu- (Business)”. I call be pressed with work is “*仕事-Shigoto-. Shigoto always take away your thoughts and time. Then you lose your concentration and silence. Until you are pressed with work, what I called Bizinesu evolve more. People who neglect to improve oneself cannot catch up the speed of this evolution. So we need two points of view that create a business and look ahead the near future. The compass witch leads you need your will of making $10 million and will of “Do everything by oneself”.
If you want to catch up the speed of business evolve, there is no excuse that you are manager or salesperson or planner. There are only two choices. “Do” or “Not to do”

*Business” or “Work” translates to “Shigoto” in Japanese.


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