
For 20-30’s employees who get nervous. This is 3 steps action program to create new business and make $10 million.

To you who get nervous when you speech something even you think nobody listening what you're saying

You like conversation and speak frequently when you talk with your friend or close colleague usually. When you talk with inside of the same group you could take initiative of conversation. However, when it comes to presentation in front of more than 3 audiences, you always get nervous. I guess there are many people think oneself that you aren't suitable of speech. I guess it is because you think audiences don’t listening what you're saying.

In the first place, why do we get nervous when we speech something? Is it because your preparation is not enough? Or is it because you aren't suitable? To begin with, are audiences listening? To be honest with you I never think I am good at speech even I have many experience of it. When it comes to presentation what I wanted to say was heap. In spite of I tried to summarize my speech, it digress from the main subject in practice. Contrary to my intention, I made a gap of my speech cause of my misunderstanding.
So I changed my mind. I started to observe the presentation. Then I tried to change the situation.

Please, don’t mind your sideburns!

If you have a chance to have presentation with your client soon, there is something I want you to observe. If presentation is first thing in morning for client, aren't they concern about next meeting? If presentation starts afternoon, aren't audiences look sleepy because they are full? If presentation starts Friday, aren't they quite delighted because of their dating at night?  Then you will realize people have up and down or likes and dislikes. And what clients concern about is not your speech but their own sideburns which has grown too long.

Today’s 3 steps action programTurns to others help. This is Magic Presentation. You need just 5 sec to achieve

You are stage director. Let’s try to use all means to raise everyone’s spirits. Enlist everything as a supporter and produce an entertainment.
Clients and colleagues aren't just audience but they are part of your presentation. You should stop to think that ‘I am the only one to speech’. Let’s bring all of them up to the stage.

1 “Master enter the stage” Let’s arrange magnificent scene and have their settlement.

2 “Bring something” Let’s overwhelm clients by Models, trial piece, movie and sounds.

3 “Bring their favorite person” Let’s bring client’s favorite person on presentation.

How about it?
There are many choices. Not only use beautiful PowerPoint with graph to explain everything on your own is presentation. Forget about elder’s advice and beautiful gorgeous presentation. Your goal is to have settlement with your client and receive money. Even everyone give high praised to your speech, you cannot live without settlement and receive money. Only presentation or sales which bring you outcome improve your project and uplift people around you.

Why you should start a new business and make ten million dollars[Episode 7]

When your business expands, degree of attention to you becomes higher. They will realize how you are so strong and distinguished. On the other hand they will also realize your weak point and silliness. But I want you to have courage to work for bigger project with people who understand you. $10 thousand multiply to 10 is $100 thousand. $100 thousand multiply to 10 is $1 million. $1 million multiply to 10 is $10 million.
What you’re working $10 million business is important even you are one of the team.
But it is more important to you to create $10 thousand business by on your own. Let’s make $10 thousand multiply to 10 times and further to 10 times and gain your experience to make your own dignified business.

Let’s disclose yourself.   Best wishes to you!


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