
For thirty’s mid-career employee who is impatience Practice Action to make $10 million business.

To you who fainted in agony because you took taxi and paid out of your own pocket

I think many of you are trying to shorten commute time because you work hard every day. Perhaps you may take taxi and pay out of your own pocket to keep the important promise between your customers. Then, you might think “Taxi is so comfortable and useful”
Indeed many of company trying to reduce the transportation cost and they prohibited that employee take taxi for work. Employer use unspoken pressure to pay out of employee’s own pocket to pay taxi fee. After that, you look around and see your colleague attitude. Then you might asking yourself “Oops, I have to stop taking taxi”

I guess the voice of your mind is screaming of huge employee in Japan
But I want you to think carefully. I think it is admirable that you kept compromise between your clients by take taxi and pay out of your own pocket. I also took taxi from Asahikawa to Hakodate (Distance is 500 km!) and I paid out of my own pocket.
 *I’ll talk detail about the story next time. 
It is wasting of time to be upset. Stop it right away.

*In Japan majority of people commute the company by train, bus or walking

Today’s 3 step action

Self-discipline experiment
Using taxi and pay out of your own pocket

Your precious money must be spent for raise your worth. The time when you are moving, ensure you private space for you and discipline yourself. In a mean time I said Wealth is infinity. Forget about little expense and let’s use your time wisely.
In this section I will tell you the way of using taxi to improve yourself.

1 “Information gathering” Talk to driver and get new idea
2 “Absolute Gentleman” Let’s train patience to show a margin whatever happened.
3“Take a taxi over long distance” Stop thinking that pay out of your own pocket is a loss.

How about it?
You create your own future to be cool. So let’s think the strategy while you are moving and organize the image. After you arrived at destination, keep cool face and make a business negotiation. “Environment” changes everything. Environment moves subconscious and affect your words and actions to determine the results. Others opinion or customs aren't necessarily correct. Let’s make a conscious reform agnostic stereotype.
  You become your future of cool, the move also to organize the image while kneading the strategy, let's hope the negotiations by the cool face even after arrival at the destination.

A great effect: 1
Do what you want to be. Your behavior in taxi creates your own future.

A great effect: 2
Your impression of people around you would change. Behavior of people in restaurant or taxi revealed people’s true self.

Why you should start a new business and make ten million dollars [Episode 3]

 “Time” It is money and life. For you, pay for out of its own pocket might be increasing the amount of lavish expenditure. However I strongly recommend you to spend your money for ensure your time. Prior investment is lifeline to expand business and you are no exception for company to expand the business.
But, if you keep the relationship, your place will remain unchanged forever.
It is very important that you and your employee are all square.
As long as you are employee, probably you will be busier because of expand of your company’s business. Whether you spent your money for improve your capacity or not
Whether you spare time for define the purpose and image your future or not
It is fact that these attitudes and actions will decide your future of 10 years.

Invest yourself. Best wishes to you!

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