
This is an exercise to become top sales person. Where there's a will, there's a way.

Are you the top salesperson of the company?

If you aren't, why is that?

I asked you not because I want to tell you fossilized way of thinking like  "Work hard to become the top" or "Do what your boss or senior to learn how to sell".
I asked you because there is no reason you should wait for the time to become the top salesperson.

When you believe you are already the top, you will realize how to become and you will be.

If I tell you "There is a way you will change to the top salesperson", you may not believe this. 
But there is.
Furthermore, simply.
Say you are No.1 in your mind again and again, to convince it.

I'll go to the top!

In Japan, there was TV program "Ohayo (Good Morning) Sunday" which is about marathon in past. 
The children who appear on the program declare "I'll go to the top"
Do you think it is ridiculous?
However, that was keen competition and I believe it was harder than your business.
If you want to go to the top, what you should on first is declaration.

Do you become what you really want to be immediately or you just think about ambiguous dream?
Which one do you think is better?
If you believe you are the top, you will find the way to be and the future becomes real.

Your thought will change the reality. Today's your story
At morning meeting, you become top salesperson.

- You are the top sales person of the company.

- After meeting starts, you will find out there is someone who sells more than you. It seems it is not mistake.

-You have to be the top again, so you start to check your result again and you the top seller.

-You will find out the result isn't trick of number and there is some others who earn lots of profit in your company.

-You will accept the harsh reality and research what the top seller does and imitate what he does

-You start read the book about sales when you have your time. Then you learn that you should study psychology and presentation. You will surprise that what book tells you and what you learn from your boss is totally different.

-Furthermore, you trace the pattern of thought and act. Then it becomes your custom and You find out that what your company does is inefficient.

-You will make the connection between the 20% of customers who bring your company 80% total about of your company earn.
One day one of your customers will invite you to famous global company...

Where there's a will, there's a way. Stop saying after 10 years. You should be now. What you can see in front of you isn't reality from your past but your goal and start of the change.
What you want to be and You should think it is same that What you wan to be and reality.

If you wait 10 years, it will take 100 years. Best wishes to you by isso 


read more "This is an exercise to become top sales person. Where there's a will, there's a way."



















ポイント① とにかく「やり抜く覚悟」を決めさせる。
ポイント② 船頭としての自覚を持たせ責任を負わせる。


覚悟を持て。 あなたを応援しています。 by isso
read more "【リーダー養成講座】船頭は誰だ。能力の引き出し方とリーダーの5箇条"

This is how to handle complaints. 4 instructions to young employee who works hard.

I have never been defeated about working
It is because I never work.

I never have problem with relationship

It is because I didn't participate any community.

His life was perfect and it was worst.

By Alfred Adler

"I'm really sorry. I'm ashamed of myself " One Friday afternoon, my junior called me because he made some mistakes about payment arrangements. So his boss scolded him. Until on the phone he was crying.

It is no doubt that young employee who challenges everything and do one's best for working is useful for the company.
It is because it is chance for him/her to learn lots of things by such happenings from the process of working, He/She does over again to approach success.

Most important thing is how to switch one's mind when he/she makes some mistakes.  It never becomes serious problem except when you have to avoid the crisis of someone's life. The employee who is quick and does large numbers of jobs is one of the treasure for the company. You should take care of such employee if he/she makes some mistakes and make him/her to switch one's mind.

Leader should encourage young member to challenge.
4 lectures you should give to your team members who makes mistakes

Lecture 1:"Grasp the fact"and tell"make 3 solutions"
Five Ws and one H. Make him/her report you the fact precisely.
What important thing is he/she reports you the fact. 
People unintentionally to tell a lie, so you should find out what is the fact completely. After you grasp the fact, make him/her to bring you 3 solutions.

Lecture 2: Before reflect on the fact and being indecisive, do something with energy.

What Clients and partners want isn't reflecting but acting to solve the problem and showing good faith. If they want apologize, make young employee to go where clients are to apologize with a box of cakes. Just reflecting on oneself or yield to self-hatred but doing nothing is breach of faith to his/her relatives.

Lecture 3: See a result precisely
It is ineffective that you tell your team member off. It is also important that one sees him why he/she makes mistakes and how it ends.

Lecture 4: Time goes by. Don't hesitate to challenge.
Work for new business and forget about the past. If your team member isn't president of country or EMT the failure isn't become serious problem. After you and young member works hard, you should laugh about the past.

Life is farce.

Story about failure is the best story you win somebody's sympathy.

If you work hard and hard, you will become more interesting person in future.

Nothing you should be worry about. Best wishes to you! by isso


read more "This is how to handle complaints. 4 instructions to young employee who works hard."




























やれることはまだまだある。 あなを応援しています。 by isso
read more "頑張る社員の24時❸タクシーがある。直前発送の時間厳守6段ロケット"


3 actions what leader needs to develop relationship with team members

”The avocado what you bought is too hard "

Do you have to clean your office's bathroom, put waste-paper from shredder into basket and make a cup of tea for guest?

If you work for the company which is more than 100 employee, because of division of labor, you may have no experience of doing such job.
If you are in such circumstance, you can focus on your business and it is very efficient. 
Everyone can do for their own job.
However, cause of such circumstance, the company produce the manager who lack of experience in field.

The leader who has no experience and the staff who has experience

Recently, I saw several times that some team members look down their boss because he/she lacked the work experience.

What I typed on the top is what my boss pointed me out. Such specific order is what the management should be.

I know both side don't want to look down each other, but if leader gives directions to team members carelessly, they will soon find out the leader don't have field experience.

If you want to overcome inferiority complex, you should start it.

To get rid of inferiority complex about "have no experience", any logic or thinking is inefficient. To retrieve your evaluation, you should do something to have an experience. Don't rule your team members by your age or post. You should do some small things what you can see front of you to contribute your team. Then you will become true leader.

The leader who are respected should work something people who don't want to do in general.
They are 3 actions to overcome your lack of experience and why.

Action 1:You also go store to buy office equipment.

-The leader who don't do this always gives ambiguous instructions and never earn team member's trust.

-The leader who do this know where is the store and which floor is selling what you want to buy, cost of material, and how long it takes from your office to store. So he/she can give specific instruction.

Action 2: When you expose office garbage, you also separate it.

-The person who don't do this just complain "it is dirty" and give absurd instruction like "clean up immediately".

-The person who does keep cleaning specific spot. He/She knows if one spot is clean, people consider about other spot and they start clean up whole places. So he/she instructs team members to clean one spot on first.

Action 3 You also clean up office's sink and bathroom

-The person who don't do this pretend not to be seeing even there is dirty. 
In Japan, people believe there is a connection between wet area and fortune.

-The person who do this know if wet area is clean, the guests feel comfortable when they arrive at the office. So he/she lecture his/her team members people who do this is useful for the work place and company.

The world is simple, Best wishes to you! by isso


read more "3 actions what leader needs to develop relationship with team members"


For employee who want to overcome harassment. This is how to stop be harassed

To you who be harassed by someone and wondering quit your job or not.

I want you to think about different choice.

If you are harassed by your boss and if you don't quit your job, you have two choices. 
First one is ask the personnel department that you want transfer other department and why. 
Second one is pay him/her back for the harassment..

First choice is peaceful measures for both side. 
Second one isn't like that. However, it is necessary for you, your friend from work and for your company.
Of course violence choice is out of the question.
What I want you to do is speak to him/her directly to make him/her understand what he/she has done.
It is because you have to take back your dignity and confidence from him/her.
I tell you how to do this.
Encourage yourself and pay him/her back.

This is the manual of stop being harassed by someone

Purpose: Speak at public place to let people know that how you are harassed by him/her.

Point: You should focus on expose "He/She made an unreasonable demand of you", "recent arrogant behavior" "continuation of harassment during past to present" to avoid mentioning his/her view of life and emotionally-charged for gain over people.


-Think what you want to say and you should consider that if it is recorded by someone.
You shouldn't say any violent language or threatening.

-You should arrive at office on early morning to make sure there are many people are near to you. It is much better if there is some one who is higher position.

-Make sure the person is sitting.

Time to pay back

Process 1: Start to speak with him. The early bird gets the worm (10 sec)

"Excuse me" after you speak and see your face, talk about his/her " recent unreasonable demand" and "your opinion about the demand" in public's presence without a pose.

Before he/she says some excuse for what he/she has done, talk on and on.

Process 2 You shouldn't go any locked room with him/her.
Refuse what he/she asks you to "Let's talk one by one"

He/She tries to talk one by one with you, but you should refuse it because you should speak what you are going to say  on public.
If some some who is higher position tries to calm you down and ask you to change the place, you should go there with least 3 observers.

Process 3 Stop his refutation. (within 10 sec)
When he/she starts to make an excuse, talk back until he/she is speaking to disturb his/her explanation.

He/She tries to explain in his/her rule of thumb or sound argument. So disturb the explanation. It is OK even you talk back incoherently. If his/her argument heats up, you should be silent.

Process 4 An attack in wave (about 20 sec)
You should speak his/her "unfair treatment and oppression"

This is what you should insist in public place. Speak loudly, and slowly. You should be calm down.

Process 5 Leave a place. (about 10 sec)
Leave a place quickly where he/she stays and weird vibe.

Weak person chase you with insistence. After you speak in a public place you should go away. It is OK you go to the seat near to friend of work or senior. It doesn't matter you go to personal department or go back to your home.

Process 6 Give the finishing touch for pay back (about 10 sec)
Until people talk about you, go around the firm and tell "I did that because what he/she had done is so terrible..." to excite their sympathy.

You should tell why to your friend or your side. The next day, you should go to your office with studied unconcern. If you pay back to your boss and you feel uncomfortable, it is better you consult personnel department.

Let's raise your voice once in a while. Best wishes to you! by isso

read more "For employee who want to overcome harassment. This is how to stop be harassed"








★「できる10人」 より「 1人の原石」をゲットせよ★



☑ 単独行動している人をマークする。


☑ 美しく、華々しい輪の中にいない人をマークする。


☑ あなたの壮大なビジョンを語り素直な人か確かめる。



1人の力を侮るな。 あなたを応援しています。 by isso

read more "【強い組織のつくり方】100人力の1社員~輝る原石を引き入れよ"


They are 6 secrets to be good at ask a favor of busy person.

"I'm really sorry. Please, come this way"

After I told them my name, the man who seems like a branch manager showed up from inside of the office.  I went bank branch to follow the necessary procedures at afternoon, however, I received the contact from the bank that there was seal defect.  So I went there again.

He took a deep bow like right triangle- his head drew near to me

The guy who seems branch manager bend over, and bowed his head. I could see area at the top of his head.

After his Japanese traditional apology, he guided me areas in the back. 
He bowed several times and showed me the place of the seal. 
He made me to attach a stamp one after another. 
I had no time to be irritated, and finished the procedures. 
After that he gave towel and saran wrap. Then I left the branch bank.

Does Mind Game work?

There are many opinions about "negotiation" or "position" and you don't need unnecessarily apology.  
From my thought, most admirable people are modest and polite to anybody.

The more person capable the more polite person is. The more have a broad range of personal connections, the more modest person is. That is my feeling of reality. This is why you should be modest and polite to approach someone.

Money maker is good at ask a favor to someone
6 tips to ask busy person.

Tips 1: Tell "It is just 5 minutes" and you go to his/her office or the place where he/she is staying.

The case be turned down: You ask him/her to come to your office.
Reason: For him/her, transit time is wasting of time. They don't have any referral materials and there is no place to work.

Tips 2: "Call"first and send a mail later.
The case be turned down: You send long sentences mail and call later.
Reason: It is troublesome to read long sentences and they don't have time to read.

Tips 3: You should prior "The substance and  reason" and format is latter issue.
The case be turned down: Because of you are in a hurry, you talk about the format of materials and the deadline only.
Reason: Person who stick output and format is "useless" and they leave all the decision making to somebody else without realizing what is the point. So he/she will think it is trouble some to admit the order.

Tips 4: You should consider the circumstance of person you ask. 
The case be turned down: You just follow your own convenience and get to what you want to ask him/her at beginning.
Reason: He/she may think that person who asks favor without saying "Thank you very much for making time in your busy schedule" and force your own schedule upon others cannot consider someone and isn't good at make profit.

Tips 5: Call 11:00 a.m through 5:00 p.m on week day.
The case be turned down: For your convenience. call 9:00 a.m or evening.
Reason: On early morning, any person focus on own issue and they already have a plan on evening. He/she thinks if he/she accept the request, he/she should work something for a person who ask a favor on weekends when he/she gets a call on morning of after a holiday break or the day before holiday.

Tips 6: It is meaningless that you act in an overbearing manner or pressure him/her.

The case be turned town: You take advantage of your position or his/her boss.

Reason:  He/She focus on earn profit for his/her company and he/she build a relationship of trust between top of the company.
So he/she will think it is waste of time that work something with such person does.

The boughs that bear most hang lowest. Best wishes to you! by isso


read more "They are 6 secrets to be good at ask a favor of busy person."


 疾如風 :疾(と)きこと風の如く

 徐如林 :徐(しず)かなること林の如し





水 流如水 :流されること水の如し




❶ 軽快でスピーディな人

















「できない」は有り。「やらない」は無し。 あなたを応援しています。 by isso
read more "【会社員のリーダー論❶】個性は力!風林火山の4類で部下に活力を!"


Do everything what you come up with your mind to avoid job dissatisfaction.

You have infinity choice

There is a prediction that 800 million people will connect with each other by online on 2025
Whatever this prediction comes true or not, there is no doubt that people will spread more information, increase pecuniary exchange, mobility of capital and investment. 
After the transition period has passed, your environment surrounding will change dramatically.

I guess some of you may dissatisfy about your company or team because they can't catch up with such change. 
So it isn't surprise that you have a plan to quit your job.

However, such change brings you unexpected chance and choices, too. 
Before you choose to quit or have your own business, you have lots of things to do.

It is worth to examine the several choices before you lose leave a job and lose your salary.

You shouldn't wait your circumstance would change. 
Act something to change your environment.

Do everything what you come up with your mind to avoid job dissatisfaction.

Your real motive 1: You want to earn more salary. You want to take more money.

Solution 1: Buy the book about the money and investment.

It doesn't mean you should start side business.
If you study those issues, it isn't only you able to increase your cash flow but also the you can put a knowledge to what you work for.

In Japan, income from an enterprise is one of side business. Somehow, investment isn't. In addition, from a judicial precedent, Japanese company cannot prohibit side business by office regulation.

Even so, it is troublesome if you produce friction among members of the company by you do side business without permission even you don't work for same trade company or you keep confidential duty.
So I strongly recommend you to study rule and principle of investment and money 
(I will write relativity of income and amount of reading at next episode)

Your real motive 2: The amount of your work and amount of what you earn aren't match.
Solution 2: You should investigate the time you involve for your working and what you do for your salary.

Let's think that the company you work for is one of franchising. You got permission of using firm name and trade mark of the company. You should make a profit for your salary and expense.

It is said that individual labor costs is equal to 1.5-2 times the annual income. Lets make a profit more than what your company pay you but not equal to your salary.

You should investigate the time you involve of working precisely. As a test, let's write down your activity on your note in detail for a week. As far as I know, there is no good money maker who allow to waste own time.

You shouldn't stop thinking.

You have lots of choices to achieve your goal

Choose several choices simultaneously and if it doesn't work, choose other one.

 The result will be appeared later. Best wishes to you! by isso

read more "Do everything what you come up with your mind to avoid job dissatisfaction."




















10年待ったら100年かかる。 あなたを応援しています。 by isso
read more "【22世紀の会社員へ❸】為せば成る~年収アップ思考エクササイズ"


Show your result. Hotel Ritz bath room never excuse for something

Actually you should consider about what you say. 
However. in business or life, what you really need is not what you say but result of what you do. At most of cases, you may be asked from someone

"So did you do it? or you didn't?"

"Is that what you did?"

Then people evaluate your value from what you did without words.

It is biggest reason of why you have to do something in practice.
You shouldn't lower yourself from your evaluation.
So you have to do and show the result to express yourself.

What customer want isn't drill but a hole

"I tried to find all possible means. It took 3 days and stayed up all nights. Mr/Ms_ did this"

Such explanation shows how you "do nothing" or "can't express from result". If you cannot provide any value for anyone, it is impossible to exchange money or value fairly. 
You should do something in practice even it is small or little to show your value.

You should follow your new personnel principles.
You should presume highest level and act immediately. 

[The best Theme Parks in the world]

Result: At Disney Land, you never find rubbish on the floor,

Reason: It isn't because it is"dream land" but people work there research best broom and mop over again and again(In some cases they place a special order) to clean up the area. It is also because the cleaning staff of Disney Land took small leavings of a popcorn and rubbish away from land and keep smiling with their confidence even it is over 37 degrees.

[First Class Hotel which is expanding overseas]

Result: Bath room of Hotel Ritz is so comfortable

Reason: It isn't because it is "luxury hotel" but cleaner of hotel clean up the room, washroom and the toilet even the backside completely. Staff go around, replace the paper toilet roll, they fold the paper into triangle, use toilet deodorize the room, and wipe the wet washroom .

[Famous Italian Apparel Maker]

Result: Actually, it is expensive but there is variety selections in size. Even I was 10 kg heavier than average, I found the pants which is suitable.

Reason: It isn't "price is expensive" but craftsmen are well aware of the various patterns of order and they cut delicate. They develop their skill and act from experience of accomplish various opinion such "It is impossible to wear such thin L size pants" or "It is ridiculous that you say the cloths will get to fit. It leave only a slim margin to sew up"

The result has always some reason. 

Did you do it?

Not by some others but you did it?

Did you express your existence, sense of beauty, act as one of result? Even it isn't about money, unattractive, worst, plenty and small, you should express yourself by showing some result.

I do. You do. Best wishes to you! by isso

read more "Show your result. Hotel Ritz bath room never excuse for something"





何でいま? コピー機(複合機)は本番に弱い。






手順① マックス小型ホチキス(40枚綴じ)とレール式クリアホルダ(綴じ込みレール+クリアシート)を事前に準備しておく。※買いだめがお勧め、どちらも対応枚数に制限あり。


手順② 複数(2-3台以上)のコピー機(複合機)に「〇〇が使用中」と貼紙して占拠し用紙と予備トナーを集める。※ドラム交換に要注意。



鉄則❶ コピー機(複合機)は「2-3台以上でフル稼働」


鉄則❷ 「緊急コピー用1部」を先に出力し,遅れに備える。


鉄則❸ 「一部差し替え対応あり」を前提に。


鉄則❹ 1人では手に負えない出力・製本は「キンコーズ」







苦労は強要しない。 あなたを応援しています。 by isso


read more "頑張る社員の24時❷複合機は深夜詰まる。出力&製本の鉄則ビッグ4"


Do something for what you want to be. Your thinking becomes real.

Common Sense of 22 century

Are you the top from the company where you work for?

Are you the top of individual sales performance in your company?

Are you receive the pay statement check just as you wish?

If your answer is "No", why is that?

The other day,  I went to the book store to buy the book of management philosophy or  export.

Then I found interesting book titles.

Theory U: Leading from the Future as It Emerges

Leading from the Emerging Future: From Ego-System to Eco-System Economies

by  Claus Otto Scharmer

Scharmer, who is Senior Lecturer of MIT, tell us importance of focusing on future possibility and what management and organization should be. He create the theory by research the several interviews of influential people. 

Apart from what Scharmer wrote huge amount of what theory it is, I convinced one thing from the message from great people and executives. "Your image or thought crate reality" It looks like it is truth

Do what you want to be
Your thought will change presence. 

Ex) At 8:50 a.m you become president.

-Have a seat and imagine if you are present. You should do it seriously.

-From president's point of view, you would find out your desk isn't clean enough even you are president.

-You remembered desk of president and executive are clean. Then you would clean up your desk .

-When you start up a computer, you would find out you received huge amount of email with overlong sentences.

-Even you are president, you would read email with your shoulders hunched and get mad.

-"You would realize that you cannot waste your time to get angry because of such issues". Then you take deep breath, and calm down.

"Such action is meaningless"
Is that so?
Is it able to become what you want be if you wait for 10 years?

What you can see isn't reality from the past but your goal and starting point of changing. You should think future of yourself and presence are same. Let's do it immediately.

If you wait something for a year, it will take 1000 years. Best wishes to you! by isso


read more "Do something for what you want to be. Your thinking becomes real."









☑ 毎朝同じ経路で同じ電車に乗り、スマホや新聞で目的もなく大衆的な情報を収集する「通勤行動」をやめる。





☑ 上司、同僚、後輩との朝一の不機嫌な会話をやめる。




☑ 朝一番のPC起動と全メール確認&返信をやめる。




☑ あなたにかかってきた電話を取るのをやめる。




☑ 数多の会議・ミーティングに積極的に出席し、自らの存在感を示す無意味な発言や評価される努力をやめる。




新たに小さないい習慣を押し込もう。 あなたを応援しています。 by isso

read more "【会社員のやめる術❶】人間関係&仕事を軽くする~午前やらない編"