
Show your result. Hotel Ritz bath room never excuse for something

Actually you should consider about what you say. 
However. in business or life, what you really need is not what you say but result of what you do. At most of cases, you may be asked from someone

"So did you do it? or you didn't?"

"Is that what you did?"

Then people evaluate your value from what you did without words.

It is biggest reason of why you have to do something in practice.
You shouldn't lower yourself from your evaluation.
So you have to do and show the result to express yourself.

What customer want isn't drill but a hole

"I tried to find all possible means. It took 3 days and stayed up all nights. Mr/Ms_ did this"

Such explanation shows how you "do nothing" or "can't express from result". If you cannot provide any value for anyone, it is impossible to exchange money or value fairly. 
You should do something in practice even it is small or little to show your value.

You should follow your new personnel principles.
You should presume highest level and act immediately. 

[The best Theme Parks in the world]

Result: At Disney Land, you never find rubbish on the floor,

Reason: It isn't because it is"dream land" but people work there research best broom and mop over again and again(In some cases they place a special order) to clean up the area. It is also because the cleaning staff of Disney Land took small leavings of a popcorn and rubbish away from land and keep smiling with their confidence even it is over 37 degrees.

[First Class Hotel which is expanding overseas]

Result: Bath room of Hotel Ritz is so comfortable

Reason: It isn't because it is "luxury hotel" but cleaner of hotel clean up the room, washroom and the toilet even the backside completely. Staff go around, replace the paper toilet roll, they fold the paper into triangle, use toilet deodorize the room, and wipe the wet washroom .

[Famous Italian Apparel Maker]

Result: Actually, it is expensive but there is variety selections in size. Even I was 10 kg heavier than average, I found the pants which is suitable.

Reason: It isn't "price is expensive" but craftsmen are well aware of the various patterns of order and they cut delicate. They develop their skill and act from experience of accomplish various opinion such "It is impossible to wear such thin L size pants" or "It is ridiculous that you say the cloths will get to fit. It leave only a slim margin to sew up"

The result has always some reason. 

Did you do it?

Not by some others but you did it?

Did you express your existence, sense of beauty, act as one of result? Even it isn't about money, unattractive, worst, plenty and small, you should express yourself by showing some result.

I do. You do. Best wishes to you! by isso


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