
This is how to handle complaints. 4 instructions to young employee who works hard.

I have never been defeated about working
It is because I never work.

I never have problem with relationship

It is because I didn't participate any community.

His life was perfect and it was worst.

By Alfred Adler

"I'm really sorry. I'm ashamed of myself " One Friday afternoon, my junior called me because he made some mistakes about payment arrangements. So his boss scolded him. Until on the phone he was crying.

It is no doubt that young employee who challenges everything and do one's best for working is useful for the company.
It is because it is chance for him/her to learn lots of things by such happenings from the process of working, He/She does over again to approach success.

Most important thing is how to switch one's mind when he/she makes some mistakes.  It never becomes serious problem except when you have to avoid the crisis of someone's life. The employee who is quick and does large numbers of jobs is one of the treasure for the company. You should take care of such employee if he/she makes some mistakes and make him/her to switch one's mind.

Leader should encourage young member to challenge.
4 lectures you should give to your team members who makes mistakes

Lecture 1:"Grasp the fact"and tell"make 3 solutions"
Five Ws and one H. Make him/her report you the fact precisely.
What important thing is he/she reports you the fact. 
People unintentionally to tell a lie, so you should find out what is the fact completely. After you grasp the fact, make him/her to bring you 3 solutions.

Lecture 2: Before reflect on the fact and being indecisive, do something with energy.

What Clients and partners want isn't reflecting but acting to solve the problem and showing good faith. If they want apologize, make young employee to go where clients are to apologize with a box of cakes. Just reflecting on oneself or yield to self-hatred but doing nothing is breach of faith to his/her relatives.

Lecture 3: See a result precisely
It is ineffective that you tell your team member off. It is also important that one sees him why he/she makes mistakes and how it ends.

Lecture 4: Time goes by. Don't hesitate to challenge.
Work for new business and forget about the past. If your team member isn't president of country or EMT the failure isn't become serious problem. After you and young member works hard, you should laugh about the past.

Life is farce.

Story about failure is the best story you win somebody's sympathy.

If you work hard and hard, you will become more interesting person in future.

Nothing you should be worry about. Best wishes to you! by isso


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