
They are 6 secrets to be good at ask a favor of busy person.

"I'm really sorry. Please, come this way"

After I told them my name, the man who seems like a branch manager showed up from inside of the office.  I went bank branch to follow the necessary procedures at afternoon, however, I received the contact from the bank that there was seal defect.  So I went there again.

He took a deep bow like right triangle- his head drew near to me

The guy who seems branch manager bend over, and bowed his head. I could see area at the top of his head.

After his Japanese traditional apology, he guided me areas in the back. 
He bowed several times and showed me the place of the seal. 
He made me to attach a stamp one after another. 
I had no time to be irritated, and finished the procedures. 
After that he gave towel and saran wrap. Then I left the branch bank.

Does Mind Game work?

There are many opinions about "negotiation" or "position" and you don't need unnecessarily apology.  
From my thought, most admirable people are modest and polite to anybody.

The more person capable the more polite person is. The more have a broad range of personal connections, the more modest person is. That is my feeling of reality. This is why you should be modest and polite to approach someone.

Money maker is good at ask a favor to someone
6 tips to ask busy person.

Tips 1: Tell "It is just 5 minutes" and you go to his/her office or the place where he/she is staying.

The case be turned down: You ask him/her to come to your office.
Reason: For him/her, transit time is wasting of time. They don't have any referral materials and there is no place to work.

Tips 2: "Call"first and send a mail later.
The case be turned down: You send long sentences mail and call later.
Reason: It is troublesome to read long sentences and they don't have time to read.

Tips 3: You should prior "The substance and  reason" and format is latter issue.
The case be turned down: Because of you are in a hurry, you talk about the format of materials and the deadline only.
Reason: Person who stick output and format is "useless" and they leave all the decision making to somebody else without realizing what is the point. So he/she will think it is trouble some to admit the order.

Tips 4: You should consider the circumstance of person you ask. 
The case be turned down: You just follow your own convenience and get to what you want to ask him/her at beginning.
Reason: He/she may think that person who asks favor without saying "Thank you very much for making time in your busy schedule" and force your own schedule upon others cannot consider someone and isn't good at make profit.

Tips 5: Call 11:00 a.m through 5:00 p.m on week day.
The case be turned down: For your convenience. call 9:00 a.m or evening.
Reason: On early morning, any person focus on own issue and they already have a plan on evening. He/she thinks if he/she accept the request, he/she should work something for a person who ask a favor on weekends when he/she gets a call on morning of after a holiday break or the day before holiday.

Tips 6: It is meaningless that you act in an overbearing manner or pressure him/her.

The case be turned town: You take advantage of your position or his/her boss.

Reason:  He/She focus on earn profit for his/her company and he/she build a relationship of trust between top of the company.
So he/she will think it is waste of time that work something with such person does.

The boughs that bear most hang lowest. Best wishes to you! by isso


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