
This is an exercise to become top sales person. Where there's a will, there's a way.

Are you the top salesperson of the company?

If you aren't, why is that?

I asked you not because I want to tell you fossilized way of thinking like  "Work hard to become the top" or "Do what your boss or senior to learn how to sell".
I asked you because there is no reason you should wait for the time to become the top salesperson.

When you believe you are already the top, you will realize how to become and you will be.

If I tell you "There is a way you will change to the top salesperson", you may not believe this. 
But there is.
Furthermore, simply.
Say you are No.1 in your mind again and again, to convince it.

I'll go to the top!

In Japan, there was TV program "Ohayo (Good Morning) Sunday" which is about marathon in past. 
The children who appear on the program declare "I'll go to the top"
Do you think it is ridiculous?
However, that was keen competition and I believe it was harder than your business.
If you want to go to the top, what you should on first is declaration.

Do you become what you really want to be immediately or you just think about ambiguous dream?
Which one do you think is better?
If you believe you are the top, you will find the way to be and the future becomes real.

Your thought will change the reality. Today's your story
At morning meeting, you become top salesperson.

- You are the top sales person of the company.

- After meeting starts, you will find out there is someone who sells more than you. It seems it is not mistake.

-You have to be the top again, so you start to check your result again and you the top seller.

-You will find out the result isn't trick of number and there is some others who earn lots of profit in your company.

-You will accept the harsh reality and research what the top seller does and imitate what he does

-You start read the book about sales when you have your time. Then you learn that you should study psychology and presentation. You will surprise that what book tells you and what you learn from your boss is totally different.

-Furthermore, you trace the pattern of thought and act. Then it becomes your custom and You find out that what your company does is inefficient.

-You will make the connection between the 20% of customers who bring your company 80% total about of your company earn.
One day one of your customers will invite you to famous global company...

Where there's a will, there's a way. Stop saying after 10 years. You should be now. What you can see in front of you isn't reality from your past but your goal and start of the change.
What you want to be and You should think it is same that What you wan to be and reality.

If you wait 10 years, it will take 100 years. Best wishes to you by isso 


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