
Raise profit. This is the way to find out who is clever at making money.

Some of you might be told from your boss or company “You should increase the sales and profit”. Perhaps you know calculation formula which you learned from school. However, maybe you don’t know how to earn money. If your boss or company teaches you how to earn money attentively, you could learn it easily. But there are not many companies that they conduct employee meeting to teach their employee how to earn money by specific way. On the situation, how to find out the way to earn money and increase your sales to bring company a profit?
People who is clever of making money.
"You should give work to people who are busy" It is often said in business. But I have different opinion. You shouldn't involve people who are quite busy but not earn much money. You shouldn't get in touch with people who engage many people to work with by compulsion whole year. The people you should be concerned with are people who are clever of making money and not people who are busy, People who are clever of making money have ability of attract money and unique characteristic. Let's get in touch with people who know how to make money.

3 Characteristic of people who have ability of attract money
1 They love money. They love number.

2 Behavioral pattern is different from the mass of people.

3 They don' talk much on the phone. They send short e-mail.

Their meeting is short. They make free time.

Great Effect 1
If you involve with people who good at making money, you can exclude people who is not necessary to keep in touch.  You don't have to correspond meaningless task. For example,
you don't have to talk on the phone long time, you don't need to read long e-mail,  and there is no complaint handling from people who don't need keep in touch. So you can focus on important issue which brings you profit.

Great Effect 2

One day your sales and profit will increase suddenly. The speed of increase will accelerate.  You will attract the issue which brings you profit one by one. Then you will going to pleasant and you are going to lose persistence of competitiveness and the lust to dominate.

Stupid rich and intelligent poor

"You're idiot" I  asked advice to senior about  should I take the class of copy writing or not. Then he answered "He has more talent. You are incompetent. So it is waste of money" What he did was comparing me and colleague. He called me incompetent. I got mad. But he continued "Which one do you want to be stupid rich?or intelligent poor? Don't think foolish idea. You should study about money". Actually what he said vexed me, but I stopped taking class of copy writing. I went to book store and I bought the book about wallet.  Stack note in same direction, clean my wallet and...

Let's make money.

Best wishes to you!

by isso

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「稼ぐ人はなぜ、長財布を使うのか?」著:亀田潤一郎氏 サンマーク出版


私は年収を1,000万円にするため、手始めに5万円のお財布を買うことにしました。この本がおもしろいのは税理士の著者が数百人の成功している経営者の「お財布」に着目して年収やお金の出入りを考察しているのに加えて、だれもがいまからできる内容になっているのです。私も実践していますが、これらを習慣化したことにより、預金ができたことと現実が追い付いてきたのには驚きです。次はお財布の予算を大幅に増やして・・・(笑) ぜひお試しあれ。

価格: 545円
(2015/05/29 12:16時点 )

価格: 1,404円
(2015/05/29 12:17時点 )


タマゴより、ニワトリが先だ。 あなたを応援しています。 by isso
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read more "【稼ぐ会社員のお金講座】月末は、明細見ずして財布を整理。"

3 rules to make freshmen can do new job with little instruction.

How about freshmen employee in your office? New employee who is serious about working has a power to change the atmosphere of your workplace. You, who are superior or senior, are going to work with freshmen. Even freshmen has no experience of working, you shouldn’t treat them as they aren't ready for work. They have potential and they almost ready to work with you.
Your men see through their boss in three days
 Seniors might have welcomed a new employee and they might gave their juniors fond look. But you should realize that employer hired freshmen. Their employer  paying salary for their value . Companies train the new employees with long time in medium- to long-term perspective. But this is not synonymous with the "that pamper". You, who is boss or senior need to focus to training the new employees at full power. Boss or senior shouldn't depend on their position or spoiled.

★ 3 rules to make new employee can do new job with little instruction★

Part 1: "You should respect them as an adult."
The new employees are willing to work. They have vague image of themselves what they want to do and what they want to be. Let's recognize that they are the same self-supporting adult as you.
Part 2: "Do not privatize."
New employees made the contract with the company and they are paid the salary from the company. Occasionally to have a drink with new employees is OK. However, you shouldn't tell them your complaints about your company or work. It is quite out of question. 

Part 3: "Recognize that their sensibilty"
I know you have abundant experience of work. But young employees are very sensible about trend. Your suitable decision which you learned from your experience and sensibility of the presence which young employee have are both equally important.

[How to correspond people who dependent]
You should make them recognize that salary is the value of the employee. Make themselves to decide their goal. You shouldn't force them to do so. Let's tell them exceed their goals on their own is, the only way to improve and gain self-confidence. There is no progress they don't do something even it is able to do. Let's tell them how our predecessors worked hard. If freshmen don't listen what you say, just leave it.

- Chick-
"Chicks, you worked hard well." New employees gathered to boss and  been commended of something. Managements were smiling and looked so fun. I was looking it was lovely sight to see. I didn't have chance to work with new employees. The following year, new employees came into my department. He was quick and worked hard. He had changed his jobs in three years.
In addition the following year, new employees have been assigned to my department. He was a mild-mannered and he had strong guts. After he assigned, I started to train him and it was far from on-the-job training. It was "All-Time-job training". Now it passed three years, his ability is extremely excellence. As long as I know, it does not become a target of comparison from his same hire class. In some areas he is better than many of his superiors or his seniors.
Are new employees of your company will be doing cheerfully?

Hold spear.

Best wishes to you!

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☑ 適度に空いていて小奇麗であるか確認。

☑ 席の間隔が広く四角テーブルであることを確認。

☑ 席の配置が一律に横並びでないことを確認。

☑ 学生が少ないことを確認。

☑ ビジネスの話をしている人が多いことを確認。

☑ 複数の人が大声で雑談していないのを確認。

☑ 1人で暇を潰してる人が少ないのを確認。

☑ 禁煙席と喫煙席があることを確認。

☑ 音楽のボリュームが小さいことを確認。

第1位:8時間 非公開(執筆&読書)
第2位:7時間 ルノワール(読書)
第3位:6時間 珈琲館(試験勉強)
第4位:5時間30分 キーコーヒー(得意先対応)



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The way use your time effectively. Arrive at destination 30 minutes before.

“I arrived at destination. I’m waiting for you”
Business conversation, presentation, meet someone important or dating. Some of you might arrive at destination at the last moment because you spend much time to prepare for leaving.

Actually, preparing is important. However most important thing is you attain the objective. I recommend you to arrive at destination early. It is very effective to achieve your objective.

Grasp the place

I have a question.
When you are waiting, which one do you prefer what the person you waiting ask?
A ”I’m sorry I’m late. It took long time to finish my work. It seems any restaurant is full. Anyway how about this restaurant”
B ”Hi. I made a reservation of restaurant. Let’s go. I recommend you to have *Yakishoba here”

Absolutely, I choose B.
I guess you know that both are same situation. But latter one treats oneself as he/she arrived earlier and already found the restaurant. My senior is so good about work out a plan, sales, and playing. He dates with cheap bar without compunction. When you arrive at destination 30 minutes early, you will earn great advantage and presence of mind.

3 reasons why you should arrive at destination 30 minutes before

Reason 1 “People assess you just 6 sec”. Your appearance is everything. Neat is important.
Reason 2 “Unity of purpose” Earn agreement from the person concerned.
Reason 3 “Adult’s composure” Show how you are relax.

What you have to do on this 30min

Before 30min Go to the coffee shop which near to the meeting place.
Before 25min Wipe sweat away, fixed yourself up and keep things tidy in order.
Before 20min Remind the purpose and point of the visiting by 30 sec.
Before 15min Make your naïve superior or colleague relax. (Don’t forget to tell them to come before 15 min)
Before 10min Tell them the purpose and point of the visiting.
Before 5min Go to meeting place

Droppings from the sky

“Good Morning”
My client arrived at the place. She was a beautiful person in the charge. She came here with my colleague who happened to meet her outside of the place. I welcomed her. She asked me ”Did you arrive here early?” Then I replied “Just a moment ago”

I arrived there 30 min early. I saw exhibition hall which I prepared yesterday. ”Why there is white spot on the carpet?” I found droppings were on the red carpet. I guess some dove left it last night. So I brought a vacuum cleaner and clean up the carpet. I also wiped sweat away.
After that I said “Good morning”. There are droppings on the vacuum. So there was no trouble.

Let’s recover as soon as possible. 

Best wishes to you!

by isso
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今日もパラダイス。 あなたを応援しています。 by isso


適当教典 著者:高田純次

▮ 注意:電車の中では読まないで下さい。


価格: 350円
(2015/06/12 17:11時点 )

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This is secret of success in life for office worker who endure. 5 sec to find out what kind of manager you should go along with

How people offend you, you never make complaints. Even they saying something unfair you never offer counterargument. I guess you also have own philosophy and, be patient with today’s suffering for tomorrow. But you have rights to enjoy your life and you don’t need to challenge the limitation of your patient.

That’s the last straw
“I’ll go to discipline the guy tomorrow”. I had phone call from my manager on 9 P.M. He ordered me to buy $200 book immediately. I did almost everything what he wanted. Finally I had realized he got over himself. Manners know distance. Beat someone need huge energy and time. So you should check something before you decide to do. 

Check 3 things that whether you go along with the manager even you need to be patient or not to

 1. Your manager takes the initiative to pay taxy fee and cost of meal.
2. Your manager never calls you on midnight or weekend except emergency.
3. His favorite phrase is “I couldn’t make it alone”

I guess some of you may surprise that I listed only 3 points to check. But from my experience, it is enough to find out is he/she good manager or not by check these 3 points in most cases. I am confident this my experience apply to your case. Be generous, consider the others schedule and make someone look good… It seems easy to do but many of them can’t do so. One person’s fault is another lesson. Don’t forget manners know distance no matter which you are someone’s superior or subordinate, 

The weak

“Why there is no transceiver?” When I went out to the place, there was no my name on the white board. The people on the place told me to “Go back” or asked “Do you think you have some work to do at here?” So I thought I made a mistake. “Is it OK I go back to home? What a lucky man I am”. I went back to home and after that I recognized. “Wait a minute. Did they set me up?” For 3 years, I trusted my superior and went along with him. But he and the people he concerned set me up. I didn’t notice at all. From my experience I want you to pay attention about that.  When someone sets you up, it is hard to perceive and people around you seems it is just like it’s all your responsibility. Such people are so persistent and they never change their attitude while they were born. So they never doubt themselves. When you notice, everybody already seems you it is your fault because they set you up. So you should separate from them. Even I’m no good at fighting and speaking, I punished such cowards by several available ways. Anyway I know I have to be moderate.

That’s the last straw. “I’ll discipline the guy tomorrow”
Next morning I shouted my superior. After that 3 people talked to me “I know how you feel”

Who is gonna do it if I don’t.  Best wishes to you!

read more "This is secret of success in life for office worker who endure. 5 sec to find out what kind of manager you should go along with"



















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read more "【会社員の思考術】いまに集中する「考えない」脳力鍛錬エクササイズ"


The thought for mid twenties office worker. Multiply your businesses to make your business as a large scale


*Ippon is the highest score a player can achieve in Judo.

I’m not talking about Judo. The company I used to belong, employee would earn congratulatory words from their manager by earning 100 million yen. Earning 100 million yen was the standard of we receive honor from our manager and we called the amount of money “Ippon”. I think there is no manager who is asking his/her men to “Do you get 1 billion yen contract” easily. First and foremost there aren't many companies which they call “Ippon” as 1 billion yen. In your company how much is your sales target which we call “Ippon” in Japan?
Multiply is the way to breakthrough

As a matter of fact, there is no “Ippon” like Judo’s *“Seoi Nage” to accomplish your goal by one action when we talk about business. It is not beautiful as baseball players trained hard for the next game and they turn the game around with a home run. I think they might already know the result before the game starts in many cases. If we try to make “Ippon”, we need to prepare many things. When you try to earn huge amount of money, there are many factors you should try to deal with. Analyze these factors one by one and don’t think them as a big issue.

*Seoi Nage"(Shoulder throw) is a one of the throws of Judo.

The person who made 1 million yen business can’t make 100 million yen business suddenly. However, if the person tries to make 1 million yen business 100 times, the amount of money become higher like 1000 million yen or 1 billion. You don’t have to try sink or swim. Just focus on your small business and multiply them. Then you will find breakthrough.

1.   Just focus on your business to earn small amount of money.
2.   Multiply your small business.
3.  Make practical image to achieve your goal.

Great Effect 1
You realize what you’re doing is the first step to achieve the goal. So you can focus on business which is small but very important.

Great Effect 2
You can proud yourself and have confidence because you recognize the thing you do is connecting to your goal.


“It is not efficient. “ I was told a lot of times when I worked for many small businesses. Making approval documents and accounts, planning, making arrangement and out in the fields… I didn't deal with big business at the beginning. So I developed new customer by own way. What I did was worked hard and just focus on my business. After that I realized amount of money of the business what I dealt with getting higher. As a result I think it was very good experience to develop new customer instead of took over big business. When I talk about Kei Nishikori, a Japanese tennis player, I concern about not spectacular “AIR K” but plain hard work with his coach Michael Chang. I feel awesomeness from his hard work to trying to become best player in the world.

Everything starts from short first step. Best wishes to you!

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今日も稼ごう。 あなたを応援しています。 by isso










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Young worker must see. “Think you can do it”. This is the way to 20-30’s employee breakthrough

This tendency is dangerous

You think you can do it or you can't do that. Result would be opposite depends on what you think at the beginning. When your mind is full of lose confidence, such mind might be your tendency. Believe that you can do it and ignore the rules or what the others says.

Quick temper censor

In Japan there is proverb "Tanki Wa Sonki"(Short temper causes loss)". To be honest, I am short temper. I judge what I suppose to communicate by 10 sec. When I am irritated, I cut what people saying after 30 sec. I talk to myself "Don't cut what people say. I should listen what they talk". Nevertheless, I lose my temper after few minutes. But from my experience, I recognize some important thing. I was irritated because I thought he/she can't make it. Or they thought "I can't make it"

[3 reasons of why you should believe yourself you can make it.]

1 If you believe you can make it, you would propose something. If you think you can’t make it, you would say some excuse.
2 To say at the least, there is possibility of achievement if you believe you can.
3 People who believe so could go to next step.


“I heard amazing person will join” Evaluation from others is fallacious. If you expect the “amazing person” has extreme energy, high IQ and positive, this person would let you down. As a matter of common sense such person who called “genius” never be employed. So you don’t need to try to become “genius”. You shouldn’t pretend yourself as you are genius. What you need is your to believe yourself “I can make it”.  People have good part and bad part. So in organization it depends on how it manage its employees. If there is some manager, colleague or young worker who refuse to change, put pressure on these people or beat them with your fist to...

You can do everything. Best wishes to you! by isso


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さらに翌年、私のもとに新入社員が配属されました。温厚ですが根性は筋金入り、変態的な忍耐力を備えています。配属翌日からはオン・ザ・ジョブ・トレーニングどころではなく、オールタイム・ジョブ・トレーニングで実践訓練が始まりました。いま3年経ち、私が知る限り彼の実力は同期など比較の対象になりません。ある分野では多くの上司や先輩社員にも大差をつけているでしょう。 あなたの会社の新入社員は元気よくやっているでしょうか。



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“Be specific” What 20-30’s employee should imitate from professional.

About concreteness

Your daily plan and act is concrete and realistic. Nevertheless, why is organization so acceptable with plan or target which they lack the concreteness? To begin with, company must be "make money" organization. However, they treat plot or conception which people talk when they excuse something and meaningful concrete remark as same thing.

Where is the place we work on practically?

*“The trouble isn’t happening in the conference room. It’s happening here on the street!”Maybe this giving and talking between career bureaucrats and non-career of police is reality.But what you work for is a business and not institution of the country. The place you work on is office, factory conference room, place you have business talk, stores, place you go for business trip, or farm…, everywhere. I don’t approve of way which someone say “management” “produce” lightly and try to earn the consensus of the people by superficial conception. You should show how you perform and how you are specific without words.

*This is the quote from Japanese famous television drama “Bayside Shakedown (Odoru Daisousasen)”.

This is a way of professional talking. How you get somebody’s sympathy.

1 “For instance… Talk some example which is easy to understand.
2 “Before this…” Talk your experience.
3 “When I did this…” Talk about success or failure story.

"From my experience." Points to note for you and me.

“You don’t need to tell that. I just want to know what exactly customers says”This is what certain company’s branch manager was asking at regular meeting every week. Number of contracts, ranking, graph, sales condition of area…. Instead of such information and analysis which I thought it is important, he demand we tell him what we heard from customers even these information isn’t summarize. 10 years have passed since then. Do you recognize how market change dramatically from your experience? In near future, office worker who hesitate to go anywhere to understand from experience cannot survive anymore. Let’s go outside from your office.


“It’s not the way to make coffee”. 
Thinks about the concept, write the copy and logo, draw blue print with his business partner, fascinate the persons concerned by presentation, request influential partners and professionals for cooperation, celebrate participant’s birthday, ask for cooperation of attract people and PR, hold big case for travel to go abroad to find some commodity to sell, decide the price, write an explanation, cook a midnight snack for his staff, put correction tape on 100 thousand commodities by 10 men. This is the producer I know.

Be specific.

Best wishes to you.

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