
The way use your time effectively. Arrive at destination 30 minutes before.

“I arrived at destination. I’m waiting for you”
Business conversation, presentation, meet someone important or dating. Some of you might arrive at destination at the last moment because you spend much time to prepare for leaving.

Actually, preparing is important. However most important thing is you attain the objective. I recommend you to arrive at destination early. It is very effective to achieve your objective.

Grasp the place

I have a question.
When you are waiting, which one do you prefer what the person you waiting ask?
A ”I’m sorry I’m late. It took long time to finish my work. It seems any restaurant is full. Anyway how about this restaurant”
B ”Hi. I made a reservation of restaurant. Let’s go. I recommend you to have *Yakishoba here”

Absolutely, I choose B.
I guess you know that both are same situation. But latter one treats oneself as he/she arrived earlier and already found the restaurant. My senior is so good about work out a plan, sales, and playing. He dates with cheap bar without compunction. When you arrive at destination 30 minutes early, you will earn great advantage and presence of mind.

3 reasons why you should arrive at destination 30 minutes before

Reason 1 “People assess you just 6 sec”. Your appearance is everything. Neat is important.
Reason 2 “Unity of purpose” Earn agreement from the person concerned.
Reason 3 “Adult’s composure” Show how you are relax.

What you have to do on this 30min

Before 30min Go to the coffee shop which near to the meeting place.
Before 25min Wipe sweat away, fixed yourself up and keep things tidy in order.
Before 20min Remind the purpose and point of the visiting by 30 sec.
Before 15min Make your naïve superior or colleague relax. (Don’t forget to tell them to come before 15 min)
Before 10min Tell them the purpose and point of the visiting.
Before 5min Go to meeting place

Droppings from the sky

“Good Morning”
My client arrived at the place. She was a beautiful person in the charge. She came here with my colleague who happened to meet her outside of the place. I welcomed her. She asked me ”Did you arrive here early?” Then I replied “Just a moment ago”

I arrived there 30 min early. I saw exhibition hall which I prepared yesterday. ”Why there is white spot on the carpet?” I found droppings were on the red carpet. I guess some dove left it last night. So I brought a vacuum cleaner and clean up the carpet. I also wiped sweat away.
After that I said “Good morning”. There are droppings on the vacuum. So there was no trouble.

Let’s recover as soon as possible. 

Best wishes to you!

by isso

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