
Young worker must see. “Think you can do it”. This is the way to 20-30’s employee breakthrough

This tendency is dangerous

You think you can do it or you can't do that. Result would be opposite depends on what you think at the beginning. When your mind is full of lose confidence, such mind might be your tendency. Believe that you can do it and ignore the rules or what the others says.

Quick temper censor

In Japan there is proverb "Tanki Wa Sonki"(Short temper causes loss)". To be honest, I am short temper. I judge what I suppose to communicate by 10 sec. When I am irritated, I cut what people saying after 30 sec. I talk to myself "Don't cut what people say. I should listen what they talk". Nevertheless, I lose my temper after few minutes. But from my experience, I recognize some important thing. I was irritated because I thought he/she can't make it. Or they thought "I can't make it"

[3 reasons of why you should believe yourself you can make it.]

1 If you believe you can make it, you would propose something. If you think you can’t make it, you would say some excuse.
2 To say at the least, there is possibility of achievement if you believe you can.
3 People who believe so could go to next step.


“I heard amazing person will join” Evaluation from others is fallacious. If you expect the “amazing person” has extreme energy, high IQ and positive, this person would let you down. As a matter of common sense such person who called “genius” never be employed. So you don’t need to try to become “genius”. You shouldn’t pretend yourself as you are genius. What you need is your to believe yourself “I can make it”.  People have good part and bad part. So in organization it depends on how it manage its employees. If there is some manager, colleague or young worker who refuse to change, put pressure on these people or beat them with your fist to...

You can do everything. Best wishes to you! by isso


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