
The key of successfully change your career. 10 points you need to accomplish

Buddha practiced asceticism for emancipate from the repeating cycle of life and death.

preached people should emancipate oneself from the repeating cycle of birth life and death. 

It is same as your life or business.
During busy day, the thought of competition and control drag you down into rat race. 

If you want to get out of it, you should be creative and not to compare from others or compete.
It is important that you think it by yourself and image what you want to be.
It is only you who can do this.
When you think about yourself seriously, you will go to another world which is totally different from where you are.

The key to successfully change your career
10 programs of make it real your vision

Define your ideal working condition in detail. 
You have to start no.1 at first. If you skip the process or deny these programs, you don’t have to do this. 
It is wasting of your time. If you want to challenge, please do them completely.

Preparation 1 Go to silent place, and turned off your PC and mobile phone.
Preparation 2 B2 a pen and paper.
I recommend you to use broad-tipped pen.

No1 Salary you want (Amount of money, monthly salary plan or annual salary system, bonus, allowance and etc…)
No2 The thing you want and you don’t want (Like or dislike, strong and weak points)
No3 Way of working (Working hours, number of holidays, existence or non-existence of transferred and etc…)
No4 Valuation basis (Results-oriented approach, seniority by length of service, existence or non-existence of promotion exam and etc…)
No5 Company size (less than 100, less than 1,000, less than 10,000 or more than 10,000)
No6 Company form (The head office, affiliated company, manufacture, sales company, B2B, B2C, existence or no existence of factory and etc…)
No7 one’s post (Account department, general affairs, planning section, development department, planning section, public relations department)
No8 Corporate culture (Active, urban, showy, plain, assertive and etc…)
No9 History of foundation (Government, private firm, start-up company, foreign enterprise or etc…)
No 10 Employment structure (permanent employment, career enhancement and etc…)
Extra Image of the job (Clothes, flooring, a seat, meeting room or etc…)

Matters to be attended
Please follow the process. The name of company, the sort of occupation, worthwhile job or not is not your first priority. 
Just follow you really want. 
Get rid of your subjective impression or abstract thinking. 
You should never hesitate to follow your real mind. 
It is “worth thousands of deaths” if you esteem lightly yourself before you start to challenge. 
There are 2 reasons for this. 
The first one is if you follow this, your image of yourself becomes clear and your conviction is the key to accomplish your vision. 
The second one is if your goal is clear, your agent, friends and your relations can help to achieve your order more easily. 
Great agents know if their clients bring them an ambiguous order, it is hard to accomplish. 

Best wishes to you! by isso

read more "The key of successfully change your career. 10 points you need to accomplish"


5 facts you should know to break down stereotype

"In Tokyo, money had fallen on the ground" 
I have experience of reading news article about a Chinese tourist's impressions of Japan.
What I want to tell you is  "Recession is just a word and specifically, you become richer."
If you live in Japan, it is obvious that you are richer than you expected. 
When you look for some information magazines about career or part-time job, you will find a lot of job offer.
If you go to public employment security office, public servant help you to find employment. 

I believe it is not only me who think we have a chance to earn wealth. The truth is different from what newspaper and TV program tells us. 
You should enjoy and do not be hasty. Just keep going slowly.

5 points you should know for not to be hasted

1 What you need is money and not a company.

2 Evaluation from others does nothing to do with your ideal
3 Just focus on now. The prediction from others about your future never comes.
4 Past success and failure does nothing to do for your present.
5 If you have chance with particular company you will be hired. You shouldn't take it too seriously about the results.

Job hunting or change career is one of biggest opportunity to put into practice your vision. You shouldn't be rush but you should work for it steadily.

Value of bill

The last night of Luang Phabang, 10 drivers of auto rickshaw were talking about how to help me in front of airport. 
When you leave a Laos, you need 10 dollars bill. 
But I had only 10,000 yen and ticket for Laos. 
The airplane was preparing for departure. 
I yelled in English "I have no dollar! I have yen". 
Then a driver told me to"Come" so I sat his rickshaw and it started moving. 
"Go Go Go Go" 
Fortunately, I exchanged my yen to 10 dollar bill and I came back to airport. 
I thank him so much, and I gave him 10 dollars and rest of the tickets I had. 
He looked so happy and he said something "month" and "live". Maybe 10 dollar bill was a large sum of money for the driver I guess.
I hoped so.

Laos is my earthly paradise. by isso

read more "5 facts you should know to break down stereotype"


You should think Bigger of your business

As long as you are going to be thinking anyway,  think bigger.

This is what Donald Trump, American real estate developer and political candidate, said. Even he had experience of declaring bankruptcy his corporate 4 times, he is still billionaire.
Is problem which seems big to you really big?
Is it truly become your trouble?

The issue is done. But it makes me mad

I introduced my friend to others for make business. 
I meant it for the best and I didn't have mind of share. 
After introducing, I called the friend. 
He showed sulky attitude and expressed backward-looking way of thinking.

If you have a mind of good for everyone, your business will develop.

"Whatever" I stayed calm.
However, after a few minutes, I've lost my temper.

If you change your perspective, you will settle your anger and anxiety.

It is hard to settle your anxiety and anger, even you patch things up for the moment.
However, if you look different point of view, you will find different reality.
Even some manager showed you negative attitude, it is possible that you will be promoted to a higher position than the manager.
Even you quit your job, it is able that you earn money. 
Many of Japanese sigh own low-income, however; average annual income of Japanese is $33,232 (It is seventh highest amount of annual income in the world). 
In Japan, it is said that only 1% is wealthy people. It means there are million wealth people are in Japan. In addition, according to data, Japan becomes more safe place than past.

The population of China is over thousand 3 hundred million.
The number of Japanese tourist travelling abroad was less than 20 million.
However, the number of Chinese tourist travelling abroad was more than 100 million. 
If you count wealthy people in China as 1%, the number becomes higher than population of Tokyo.

Expand your consciousness wider

Evolution of human is big bang of human consciousness. 
I heard it is the concept of the theory of evolution.
It seems, it is true that you should think big about your life and business.
Let's be aware of think big to become big instead of doing something meaningless, 
Your incredible idea will eliminate your worry.

Access to 8000 million people. Best wishes to you! by isso


read more "You should think Bigger of your business"


You have to do to only one thing to change your career successfully.

Employee, part-time job or without an occupation...
I guess some of you try to change your career on various conditions for some reasons. 

If you already decided you change your career, what do people around you say about your determination? “It’s too early”. “You should do it at any cost”, “Now is your chance”. 
In my case “Get job and start working quickly”

Everyone is perfect. 

In the first place, why we Japanese have to read a *Quarterly Journal, ask job opening-to application ratio and study how to investigate the corporate earnings?  I’m also wondering why we study how to write curricula vitae and practice for the job interview. So I suspect excellence job seekers don’t do such troublesome activities.

*Quarterly Journal (Shiki-Ho 四季報)is the name of book. Over 5000 companies information in Japan are written on the book.

I guess some of you are confusing because of researching the companies and have job interview one after another. Are we really so bad?

It is opposite

To come right to the point, “The thing you should do is opposite” I found this conclusion during I was looking for a job. This conclusion is common to all business. So it is very important things and I want you to think carefully about this.

1 "Revers the order" You have things to do before sending job application, writing curricula vitae, and preparing job interview. 

2 “Direction is opposite” Don’t look at outside and make a comparison between you and others. Look at inside and reflect on yourself.

3 “Position is opposite” It is always seller’s market. If you believe it is buyer’s market, employer beat you down price.

One action for today
Define your ideal condition in detail
Income, occupation category, working hours, vacation, firm size, and etc… Have fun to define.

Make a phone call to some companies for career change
“Where is Quarterly Journal?” When I was 29, I practically forced to look for a new job. I didn’t have an experience of job hunting for big businesses when I was university student. So I didn’t know the difference of acting between job hunting and looking for a new job.
Not even had PC. I bought Quarterly Journal and I turned the page. I dialed the company which is written on the journal.  “Hello, I want you to hire me” I called 30 companies, and they replied “Read the recruitment information, please”. Of course no company hired me. I did this whole day, and then, I realized that. There is no company would answer “Please come here to have an interview” when they got only phone call.

Breakthrough exists only outside of common sense. Best wishes to you! By isso

read more "You have to do to only one thing to change your career successfully."


Confidence is everything in the business. 3 habits to make your vision come true

When I look back about I quit my job which I worked for almost 10 years, I come up with some thoughts. 
"Why people work at their company continuously","Why people quit the job", "Why people change career", or "Why people start a business".
Even there are several reasons, I want to tell you something if you waver in your mind.

If you image what you want to be and be confidence, something will happen.

I want to take my friend in Ferrari, this is my biggest motivation in business. 
More specifically, the Ferrari which is full of welsh onion and water melon. 
I take the Ferrari after I finished farm work.

I still tackle this image come true.
The tide is running in my favor.

Today I tell the tips of thinking how you keep your ideal image and make it clear.

You should think "I am great". 

This confidence quote is Japan's top tax payer Hitori Saito advocates. 
As I wrote before
Where there is a will, there is a way. This is an exercise to raise your annual income
this thought brings you incredible effect.

You have great ability. 
If you put it into practice, amazing events and lots of chance will come to you.
When you make your ideal image clear and you have the confidence that you can make it true, it comes.

The chance will come unexpectedly. Don't miss out and show your appreciation for person who gives you chance

"I want 100 million dollars immediately".
"I want to live in mansion". 
"I want to cruising Caribbean Sea"
Take in your hands actual thing and image what you want.
If you want cash, take 100 or 1000 dollars in your hands.
If you want to live somewhere or do something, look some pictures everyday which are closed to your image.

Do you think it is ridiculous? 
Just take my word for it.
Then look around where you can see.
The chance will come to you unexpectedly.
It should occur that the amount of money what you want will be turned into "materials""meeting with people" and "business opportunity" 
Even it is small, you should not miss out the chance and show gratitude for the people who give you a chance.

Gravity of your confidence attract people, materials and capital

Money, chance and happiness come from human.
You attract anything depend on your confidence of your vision and ideal.

Let's blow up your idealized image and make it clear to be aware of your ideal becomes reality.

You are amazing. Best wishes to you! by isso


read more "Confidence is everything in the business. 3 habits to make your vision come true"


Who is the leader? 5 rules of become good leader and the way to exploit member's ablility

Who is the leader?

Your team lacked feeling of tension, the quality of your work becomes law, you cannot manage your team, there is no sense of speed of doing task, and you can't earn profit.
There is a reason why the project lose the power of earning money even it had on past.

Get true leader back

If your company's business expand, you may find the leader who believed patch up lead to find solution and just yelling something "Group" "Organization" "Team".

However, such leader only can exist at the peaceful nation where first-class personnel support even leader moves like merry go round.
In your business, you should find other leader.

It is well known story that Apple's management asked Steve Jobs for help who were fired by their decision.
As it often the case, when such great leader leave or new leader show ambiguous leadership, the atmosphere of group would change dramatically.

Any group or organization won't work without person who think "I will do this". You should become leader and develop next leader.

Destiny of leader 
3 rules you should know

Rule 1: You should take the lead to be embarrassed.
Leader should be the first one to bring it up on meeting.
For lead and manage your team, there is no time to consider atmosphere of people around.
Let's exploit member's power to move your business forward.

Rule 2: It is natural that there is inconsistency in your words
If you are leader, you should take the initiative of instruct and act.
You shouldn't think seriously even there is some inconsistency
You should do something based on your belief and judge it after your act.

Rule 3: Do it by yourself to show your stance to your team member.
It doesn't matter you can do it or not. 
You should't excuse "It is not my specialty" and not do it.
People always support person who shows one enthusiasm even he/she has no experience of doing or not good at doing.

Rule 4: Never show your anxiety or discontent. 
You are full of confidence and never blame someone that it is your fault.(It is OK that you scold them)

There are 2 points of developing next leader.

Point 1: Make up his/her mind to carry business through
Point 2: Make him/her to bear the responsibility of leader.

Anyway, what you should do is make decision for your business, instruct your team members, make mistake, fail, be blamed from someone, and to be laughed.

Make up your mind. Best wishes to you! by isso

read more "Who is the leader? 5 rules of become good leader and the way to exploit member's ablility"


A office worker who has tremendous power. You should win such prospect over

It is not for sure that the stone single which person can climb is able to climb by 3 people

I guess people who lead the company projects or new member will join your team have mind of 
tempt man of merit in your team.

Indeed, such person doesn't show up and you may disappoint because of expecting too much.

It is because you already know that even your skill of work improved, increase your speed of work and acquire the knowledge of work, need "something more" for expand your business more.

What you need is not 10,000 Storm Trooper but single Jedi.

Jedi, Superman, and Spider man.
Common point of those characters is each of them have big mission and they beat their enemies alone. Such ultimate person never be defeated even someone make a surprise attack on him or be attacked by 10 people.
A prospect which you try to win over produce more good result than dozens of members.

You should win prospect over.
How to distinguish prospect between others.

The person who takes independent action
Basically, you should look for someone who is able to work alone.
I recommend you to find person who participate unique group but not popular group.
Some people discontent about spirited business business because they always compare the common sense of popular group.
Not external but internal.
You should find independent person who try to breakthrough even someone blame him/her.

The person who isn't belong to the brilliant group.
It is said that "you earn money in the dark". 
The essence of profitable business is sober and simple.
If the business looks magnificent and everyone runs after, the case you find the chance to earn profit is rare.
People who have incredible experience work hard something nobody want to involve.

Tell your great vision to make sure is he honest or not
Let's talk your great vision, dream and plan enthusiastically.
If he/she approves of your idea, looks your eyes to show his/her concern, your business might be succeeded and the person will develop.
If your work with someone who believe "I can make it", you can make it.

It is from my rule of thumbs. 
I strongly believe that my experience will help you if you try to make a group of earning 1000 million business, 

Don't look down individual strength, Best wishes to you. by isso


read more "A office worker who has tremendous power. You should win such prospect over"


See individuality as strength. Bring your team member energy by Furinkazan

Furinkazan(風林火山) literally wind(風), forest(林), fire(火), and mountain(山)

(Wind) As fast as the wind

(Forest) As quiet as the forest

(Fire) As fierce as fire

(Mountain) As immovable as the mountain

It is well known that Shingen Takeda, sengoku-period daimyo, used his battle standard.
It is said that Shingen picked up this phrases from Sun Tzu's "The Art of War". 
This proverb is valid not only for military but business.
If you add one phrase to this proverb, you can apply Furinkazan to your team member's characters.

It is

(Water) As be flowed as water

May I ask you your team member keeps being highly motivated?
It is hard to make someone do if he/she doesn't do anything.
However, if there is a person who can't do something, you should find his/her suitable way to make him/her do his/her best.

Use Furinkazan to motivate your team members
A instructional manual that is indispensable to leaders


1 Speedy person

Characteristic: Such person is competent and he/she moves very quick.
He/she proud oneself as ace.

How to manage 1: Tell him/her "You are No.1" to boost his/her self-esteem.
You should eliminate obstructive factors which is not logical for help his/her quick and efficient activities.

How to manage 1: To keep away from you don't recognize until you receive his/her resignation letter, you should take care of his/her quick acts.
How to manage 2: If you talk about society or politics issues which is not profitable information or compare someone, you lose his/her respect.
When you want him/her to reconsider his/her activity, show him/her some advanced method bit by bit.


2 Thoughtful person

Characteristic: He/She never leaves someone alone and he/she is indispensable for your team.
In many cases, he/she doesn't recognize importance of oneself.

How to manage 1: You should tell him/her his/her value to group and importance thoughtfully. 
It is little bit difficult to realize his/her good point. 
So sometimes, when you notice, he/she looks despondence.
You should take care him/her carefully

How to manage 2:  He/she can make friends with anyone and anywhere. Contribution to your team is inconspicuous but important and if you lose him/her your team may fail.
Tell him/her how he/she is important for your team and, show appreciation.


3 Person who encourage

Characteristic: He/She is energetic, enthusiastic and powerful.
At the team he/she is popular.
He/she is playfulness but timid.

How to manage 1: Let him gain self-confidence and persist his/her power for work. You shouldn't preach him/her for many hours or designate small point to lose his/her confidence. 
Power of work is his/her strong point.
So you should ignore his/her small mistakes

How to manage 2: It is uncertain that he/she compatible with your team or not. You should try several ways.
If he/she goes out of control, scold him/her in short words.
After that encourage him/her and bring your team energy.


4 A calm person

Characteristic: He/She has strong mind and he/she does his/her work in his/her own way. He/she is calm and it seems he/she is intelligent.
Many of them are different.

How to manage 1: You shouldn't deny their sense of beauty or put out his stride. He/She is moderate and you shouldn't act overbearingly.
Show your appreciation at any time.

How to manage 2: He/She is big-hearted and unconcerned about evaluation. So give him/her the work which others hesitate to do because of high pressure.
Tell him/her "Team continuation depends on you" to make him/her show his/her real ability.


5 The person who is uncertain the true character

Characteristic: He/She has sense of balance and clever.
He/She has knowledge and a good talker.
So he/she looks like excellence.

How to manage: He/She applies the time, organization, his/her boss, and friends of work.
He/She has incredible skill, but if he/she doesn't show you any sympathy, just let him/her to help you.

"Can't do something" is OK. "Don't do anything" is out of the question. Best wishes to you! by isso


read more "See individuality as strength. Bring your team member energy by Furinkazan"



▮ 自己紹介で、相手と自分の「潜在意識」に刻み込む。



▮ あなたは「会社」でもなければ「仕事」でもない。


▮ あるべきあなたを発露し90%を占める「潜在意識」に刻み込む。



▮ 平凡な経歴などない。「大げさ力」でエッジを効かそう。

その1: 「隅で手伝った」ではなく「私がやりました」






「Nice to meet you.」会社の先輩が挨拶をしました。相手はイギリス人ですが「はじめまして。」と返します。もちろん彼が日本語を流暢に話せることは先輩には伝えていました。





by isso

read more "90%の潜在意識に刻み込め。アピール下手なあなたを輝かせる大げさ力。"

Where there is a will, there is a way. This is an exercise to raise your annual income

Are you satisfied with your annual income?

If your answer is "No". How much do you want?

Amount of salary is proportional to amount of reading. Aiming at higher target expand your consciousness.

"I don't read that" When I looked for the book about management philosophy, self-development and export at bookstore, I could hear young people were talking near to bookshelf.

At bookstore, there were the book about most successful manager or financier like Napoleon Hill, Wallace Wattles, Og Mandino, Jeffrey Bezos, Tony Robbins, Warren Buffett, Konosuke Matsushita and so on. Wisdom of human being is written on such books. 

There isn't "hint" but "answer" 

There is a data about relativity between amount of reading and income. 
From my point of view, it is because, people who read such books make great effort to put into practice what great man did on past.

There are idea, strategy, tactics and words which stir you up to put into practice on these books. 
Let's change your thought, and your circumstance, to turn your idea into reality.

Your thought has a power to change reality. 

Today's your story
Your monthly income becomes 5 million dollars(annual income is 60 million dollars) on today.

- You think about how to become deserve of earn 5 million dollars per month.
To find answer, you start to read several books, and meet some person to ask how.

-You realize it is hard to be deserve of earn 5 million dollars under the right circumstance.
So you decide to change the model of your business and...

Where there is a will, there is a way. Let's become what you want to be right now. What you can see is not the past from the reality but your starts of your change and the goal. 

If you wait 10 years, it will take 100 years. Best wishes to you by isso 

read more "Where there is a will, there is a way. This is an exercise to raise your annual income"





▮ ひたすら続ける。あなた以外の全員が諦めた、その瞬間に転機は訪れる。



▮ ブレイクスルーは必ず訪れる。その目安は1年以内。



▮ 突破間近。その兆候とあなたの行動













※この記事は2015年5月25日 転職ブログ記事を再編集したものです。※「常識を打ち破る転職成功へのアクション」は2015年9月1日より当ブログに統合しています。



by isso
read more "【成功転職の方程式】突破は間近。ブレイクスルーの6つの兆候"

The things you don't have to do it on A.M to reduce your task and relationship stress.

What is your true purpose

Communication skill, time management, leadership, personal-relationship, work-life balance, business manner, and etc...
What do you think about these abilities which are believed to be important to improve these skills for office worker even it's not for sure that they need us to earn profit or not.

What we can do on each day is limited

You can do anything you want to.
However, when you do something for what you want, you should consider that your time is limited.

What you have to concentrate is achievement of your goal.
You should do your best to create what you can do for improving life of yours and your friends.
So you should think about what is really necessary thing to do for your purpose.

Reduce your task and relationship stress to accomplish your goal.

The list you should stop for your accomplish

1. Ride same train and go same course every morning with reading newspaper or mobile phone to gathering popular and meaningless information.

Your daily inefficient works brings you inefficient result.

If you commute over one hour each way and you work 30 years, you will spent one and half year for commuter time with gathering popular information which is everybody knows.

You should consider of changing such act.

2. Have conversation with your boss, colleague, or your junior at morning.

"You should be morning person" I was a night owl and I resisted to become morning person for long time.

However, after I started to wake up early, I found that I can concentrate especially on morning. It is said that human being c4 hours after wake up is the best time of concentrate. It seems like it is true.

You don't need to try to gauge someone's feeling. If you are annoying of greeting someone on morning, stop that and focus on your daily activity.

3 Turn on the PC and check every email you received and reply all of them on morning.

I convinced that checking email on morning makes your confusion. It distracts you. 
Others emotion or circumstance ruin your day.

E-mail is useful because we cab read it for our convenience. 
If people want reply immediately, they should call someone on the phone. 
E-mail is not everything of your life.

4 Answer the phone call from someone.

In past, someone said to me "I should pick up the phone call. You should realize why the company gave your cellular phone" many times.
However, there was no serious moment that I had to answer the phone immediately.

From my point of view, the business which work with people who force you to answer the phone immediately isn't profitable.
What do you think?

5 Make an effort to attend several meetings and speak something meaningless to appeal yourself to someone.

Speak up actively is good things in general. 
However, if you speak some superficial thing ambiguously at last of meeting to call the shots or speak something general to disturb the argument for develop consensus, you shouldn't do that.

About discussion, produce friction is much better than conclude something ambiguous. 
Ambiguous conclusion leads you to vague output.
If you aren't ready to show leadership at meeting, there is no worth to attend it.

Same cause always brings you same results.

Start something new good habits. Best wishes to you. By isso


read more "The things you don't have to do it on A.M to reduce your task and relationship stress."


5 reasons you should focus on obtaining and nurturing one employee

Only one thing you should concentrate

For your business, what is the most important thing to expand and make profitable the project?
Is that improvement of your task skills?
Or earn higher-knowledge?
Work faster?

Actually, they are important for your business.
However, there is more important thing for your business. 
I convinced from my experience about business and conversation between me and manager of several companies.

What I realized is Strong Individual is so effective

Any companies implement employee training to improve his/her skill and make him/her learn about own company.
In spite of that, I believe each individual stir up own enthusiasm from leader who is closest to him/her.

There is no doubt that implement training for employee is important. 
Furthermore, hiring employee is more important.
Each company should be more serious about hiring strong individual and nurture him/her.
Furthermore, you should to give high priority to increase strong individual and not 10 staff.
This is the way to build your team stronger.

5 reasons you should focus on obtaining and nurturing one employee 

Reason 1: Strong individual stir up 100 people's enthusiasm

Reason 2: Strong individual tells 100 people about importance of existence.

Reason 3: Strong individual changes 100 cooperators to customers.

Reason 4: Strong individual changes 100 customers to salespeople.

Reason 5: Strong individual attracts other strong individual

I will tell detail about how to find out difference between prospect and the person who is hopeless later.

Obtaining and nurturing strong individual has tremendous positive impact on your team.
You have to concentrate on find him/her and exploit his/her ability.
Strong individual is superior to numbers crowd.
Hiring and developing one person becomes prime mover to change ten thousand people change.

Let's focus on first person. Best wishes to you! by isso

read more "5 reasons you should focus on obtaining and nurturing one employee "