
5 facts you should know to break down stereotype

"In Tokyo, money had fallen on the ground" 
I have experience of reading news article about a Chinese tourist's impressions of Japan.
What I want to tell you is  "Recession is just a word and specifically, you become richer."
If you live in Japan, it is obvious that you are richer than you expected. 
When you look for some information magazines about career or part-time job, you will find a lot of job offer.
If you go to public employment security office, public servant help you to find employment. 

I believe it is not only me who think we have a chance to earn wealth. The truth is different from what newspaper and TV program tells us. 
You should enjoy and do not be hasty. Just keep going slowly.

5 points you should know for not to be hasted

1 What you need is money and not a company.

2 Evaluation from others does nothing to do with your ideal
3 Just focus on now. The prediction from others about your future never comes.
4 Past success and failure does nothing to do for your present.
5 If you have chance with particular company you will be hired. You shouldn't take it too seriously about the results.

Job hunting or change career is one of biggest opportunity to put into practice your vision. You shouldn't be rush but you should work for it steadily.

Value of bill

The last night of Luang Phabang, 10 drivers of auto rickshaw were talking about how to help me in front of airport. 
When you leave a Laos, you need 10 dollars bill. 
But I had only 10,000 yen and ticket for Laos. 
The airplane was preparing for departure. 
I yelled in English "I have no dollar! I have yen". 
Then a driver told me to"Come" so I sat his rickshaw and it started moving. 
"Go Go Go Go" 
Fortunately, I exchanged my yen to 10 dollar bill and I came back to airport. 
I thank him so much, and I gave him 10 dollars and rest of the tickets I had. 
He looked so happy and he said something "month" and "live". Maybe 10 dollar bill was a large sum of money for the driver I guess.
I hoped so.

Laos is my earthly paradise. by isso


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