
The things you don't have to do it on A.M to reduce your task and relationship stress.

What is your true purpose

Communication skill, time management, leadership, personal-relationship, work-life balance, business manner, and etc...
What do you think about these abilities which are believed to be important to improve these skills for office worker even it's not for sure that they need us to earn profit or not.

What we can do on each day is limited

You can do anything you want to.
However, when you do something for what you want, you should consider that your time is limited.

What you have to concentrate is achievement of your goal.
You should do your best to create what you can do for improving life of yours and your friends.
So you should think about what is really necessary thing to do for your purpose.

Reduce your task and relationship stress to accomplish your goal.

The list you should stop for your accomplish

1. Ride same train and go same course every morning with reading newspaper or mobile phone to gathering popular and meaningless information.

Your daily inefficient works brings you inefficient result.

If you commute over one hour each way and you work 30 years, you will spent one and half year for commuter time with gathering popular information which is everybody knows.

You should consider of changing such act.

2. Have conversation with your boss, colleague, or your junior at morning.

"You should be morning person" I was a night owl and I resisted to become morning person for long time.

However, after I started to wake up early, I found that I can concentrate especially on morning. It is said that human being c4 hours after wake up is the best time of concentrate. It seems like it is true.

You don't need to try to gauge someone's feeling. If you are annoying of greeting someone on morning, stop that and focus on your daily activity.

3 Turn on the PC and check every email you received and reply all of them on morning.

I convinced that checking email on morning makes your confusion. It distracts you. 
Others emotion or circumstance ruin your day.

E-mail is useful because we cab read it for our convenience. 
If people want reply immediately, they should call someone on the phone. 
E-mail is not everything of your life.

4 Answer the phone call from someone.

In past, someone said to me "I should pick up the phone call. You should realize why the company gave your cellular phone" many times.
However, there was no serious moment that I had to answer the phone immediately.

From my point of view, the business which work with people who force you to answer the phone immediately isn't profitable.
What do you think?

5 Make an effort to attend several meetings and speak something meaningless to appeal yourself to someone.

Speak up actively is good things in general. 
However, if you speak some superficial thing ambiguously at last of meeting to call the shots or speak something general to disturb the argument for develop consensus, you shouldn't do that.

About discussion, produce friction is much better than conclude something ambiguous. 
Ambiguous conclusion leads you to vague output.
If you aren't ready to show leadership at meeting, there is no worth to attend it.

Same cause always brings you same results.

Start something new good habits. Best wishes to you. By isso


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