
See individuality as strength. Bring your team member energy by Furinkazan

Furinkazan(風林火山) literally wind(風), forest(林), fire(火), and mountain(山)

(Wind) As fast as the wind

(Forest) As quiet as the forest

(Fire) As fierce as fire

(Mountain) As immovable as the mountain

It is well known that Shingen Takeda, sengoku-period daimyo, used his battle standard.
It is said that Shingen picked up this phrases from Sun Tzu's "The Art of War". 
This proverb is valid not only for military but business.
If you add one phrase to this proverb, you can apply Furinkazan to your team member's characters.

It is

(Water) As be flowed as water

May I ask you your team member keeps being highly motivated?
It is hard to make someone do if he/she doesn't do anything.
However, if there is a person who can't do something, you should find his/her suitable way to make him/her do his/her best.

Use Furinkazan to motivate your team members
A instructional manual that is indispensable to leaders


1 Speedy person

Characteristic: Such person is competent and he/she moves very quick.
He/she proud oneself as ace.

How to manage 1: Tell him/her "You are No.1" to boost his/her self-esteem.
You should eliminate obstructive factors which is not logical for help his/her quick and efficient activities.

How to manage 1: To keep away from you don't recognize until you receive his/her resignation letter, you should take care of his/her quick acts.
How to manage 2: If you talk about society or politics issues which is not profitable information or compare someone, you lose his/her respect.
When you want him/her to reconsider his/her activity, show him/her some advanced method bit by bit.


2 Thoughtful person

Characteristic: He/She never leaves someone alone and he/she is indispensable for your team.
In many cases, he/she doesn't recognize importance of oneself.

How to manage 1: You should tell him/her his/her value to group and importance thoughtfully. 
It is little bit difficult to realize his/her good point. 
So sometimes, when you notice, he/she looks despondence.
You should take care him/her carefully

How to manage 2:  He/she can make friends with anyone and anywhere. Contribution to your team is inconspicuous but important and if you lose him/her your team may fail.
Tell him/her how he/she is important for your team and, show appreciation.


3 Person who encourage

Characteristic: He/She is energetic, enthusiastic and powerful.
At the team he/she is popular.
He/she is playfulness but timid.

How to manage 1: Let him gain self-confidence and persist his/her power for work. You shouldn't preach him/her for many hours or designate small point to lose his/her confidence. 
Power of work is his/her strong point.
So you should ignore his/her small mistakes

How to manage 2: It is uncertain that he/she compatible with your team or not. You should try several ways.
If he/she goes out of control, scold him/her in short words.
After that encourage him/her and bring your team energy.


4 A calm person

Characteristic: He/She has strong mind and he/she does his/her work in his/her own way. He/she is calm and it seems he/she is intelligent.
Many of them are different.

How to manage 1: You shouldn't deny their sense of beauty or put out his stride. He/She is moderate and you shouldn't act overbearingly.
Show your appreciation at any time.

How to manage 2: He/She is big-hearted and unconcerned about evaluation. So give him/her the work which others hesitate to do because of high pressure.
Tell him/her "Team continuation depends on you" to make him/her show his/her real ability.


5 The person who is uncertain the true character

Characteristic: He/She has sense of balance and clever.
He/She has knowledge and a good talker.
So he/she looks like excellence.

How to manage: He/She applies the time, organization, his/her boss, and friends of work.
He/She has incredible skill, but if he/she doesn't show you any sympathy, just let him/her to help you.

"Can't do something" is OK. "Don't do anything" is out of the question. Best wishes to you! by isso


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