
You have to do to only one thing to change your career successfully.

Employee, part-time job or without an occupation...
I guess some of you try to change your career on various conditions for some reasons. 

If you already decided you change your career, what do people around you say about your determination? “It’s too early”. “You should do it at any cost”, “Now is your chance”. 
In my case “Get job and start working quickly”

Everyone is perfect. 

In the first place, why we Japanese have to read a *Quarterly Journal, ask job opening-to application ratio and study how to investigate the corporate earnings?  I’m also wondering why we study how to write curricula vitae and practice for the job interview. So I suspect excellence job seekers don’t do such troublesome activities.

*Quarterly Journal (Shiki-Ho 四季報)is the name of book. Over 5000 companies information in Japan are written on the book.

I guess some of you are confusing because of researching the companies and have job interview one after another. Are we really so bad?

It is opposite

To come right to the point, “The thing you should do is opposite” I found this conclusion during I was looking for a job. This conclusion is common to all business. So it is very important things and I want you to think carefully about this.

1 "Revers the order" You have things to do before sending job application, writing curricula vitae, and preparing job interview. 

2 “Direction is opposite” Don’t look at outside and make a comparison between you and others. Look at inside and reflect on yourself.

3 “Position is opposite” It is always seller’s market. If you believe it is buyer’s market, employer beat you down price.

One action for today
Define your ideal condition in detail
Income, occupation category, working hours, vacation, firm size, and etc… Have fun to define.

Make a phone call to some companies for career change
“Where is Quarterly Journal?” When I was 29, I practically forced to look for a new job. I didn’t have an experience of job hunting for big businesses when I was university student. So I didn’t know the difference of acting between job hunting and looking for a new job.
Not even had PC. I bought Quarterly Journal and I turned the page. I dialed the company which is written on the journal.  “Hello, I want you to hire me” I called 30 companies, and they replied “Read the recruitment information, please”. Of course no company hired me. I did this whole day, and then, I realized that. There is no company would answer “Please come here to have an interview” when they got only phone call.

Breakthrough exists only outside of common sense. Best wishes to you! By isso


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