
You should think Bigger of your business

As long as you are going to be thinking anyway,  think bigger.

This is what Donald Trump, American real estate developer and political candidate, said. Even he had experience of declaring bankruptcy his corporate 4 times, he is still billionaire.
Is problem which seems big to you really big?
Is it truly become your trouble?

The issue is done. But it makes me mad

I introduced my friend to others for make business. 
I meant it for the best and I didn't have mind of share. 
After introducing, I called the friend. 
He showed sulky attitude and expressed backward-looking way of thinking.

If you have a mind of good for everyone, your business will develop.

"Whatever" I stayed calm.
However, after a few minutes, I've lost my temper.

If you change your perspective, you will settle your anger and anxiety.

It is hard to settle your anxiety and anger, even you patch things up for the moment.
However, if you look different point of view, you will find different reality.
Even some manager showed you negative attitude, it is possible that you will be promoted to a higher position than the manager.
Even you quit your job, it is able that you earn money. 
Many of Japanese sigh own low-income, however; average annual income of Japanese is $33,232 (It is seventh highest amount of annual income in the world). 
In Japan, it is said that only 1% is wealthy people. It means there are million wealth people are in Japan. In addition, according to data, Japan becomes more safe place than past.

The population of China is over thousand 3 hundred million.
The number of Japanese tourist travelling abroad was less than 20 million.
However, the number of Chinese tourist travelling abroad was more than 100 million. 
If you count wealthy people in China as 1%, the number becomes higher than population of Tokyo.

Expand your consciousness wider

Evolution of human is big bang of human consciousness. 
I heard it is the concept of the theory of evolution.
It seems, it is true that you should think big about your life and business.
Let's be aware of think big to become big instead of doing something meaningless, 
Your incredible idea will eliminate your worry.

Access to 8000 million people. Best wishes to you! by isso


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