
Figure out how world is changing rapidly

“*Senpai, I don’t know how to do this.”
“OK, do this way”
“I got it. Great, you always do better than I expected Senpai”
“Of course I can. Oh bring me another coffee, please”

*Senpai(先輩) is a title of respect in Japan. When you call your mentor or senior who belongs to same organization, you call senpai.

For Senpai, there is no more worth teaching *Kohai who express his/her gratitude from Senapi’s telling. 
Though, the thing you should consider is not your Kohai’s future because people who asks some question is improving themselves. 
On the other hand, Senpai who teaches something to Kohai improve nothing.
Actually, you could say that you learning how to teach. 
However, people who supervise others should take it for granted that they teach others. 
Furthermore they should advance themselves. 
It is tragedy that if your relationship is similar to mentor who becomes like a fossil and a pupil who takes lessons from cretaceous period.

*In Japan, Kohai (後輩) means junior at work or school.
Become a fossil or challenge to change

“Era of Big Data has arrived and paradigm shift is accelerated globally…”  What do you think about such story?
In past, such stories didn’t come to my mind.
I had no interest such change because it seemed no difference to me.
Nevertheless, after I had participated in a several technical summits, lecture meeting of university and business setting, I noticed that it is changing. 
Even an ordinary person like me could find out which it seemed impossible for us becomes possible.

It is not only information, art and lifestyle. 
You can see revolutionary idea and technology becomes real in all fields. 
I’m not sure whether the reason of the speed of innovation accelerates suddenly is because people all over the world are connecting or not. 
But I’m sure about your surrounding environment will change dramatically in 10 years from now.

Do small activity to avoid being a fossil
They are 3 new habits to accelerate your evolution

1 Add a new activity to your daily life behavior.
You should change something small from your daily work to avoid being alone. 
Your glory from the past does nothing to help. You have to increase your presence value.
2 Diversify your revenue streams and select where you invest your money.
You should have several varied revenue sources. 
Even each revenue is small like brook, it will become big like large river when business is prospering.
Use your money for investment but not consumption as far as possible.

3 Do a lot of small things like you are copying.
Let’s think how to copy your business and pattern of earning money at all times. 
It is kind of pointless if you collect them and try to look complete picture of your revenue streams in a conceptual manner. 
You should analyze these revenues separately on first. Then, put them together.

If you do a favor for somebody, you will get return favor. 
You should improve yourself to become able to bring new value to others.

Best wishes to you! By isso

read more "Figure out how world is changing rapidly"










【やめたい本気度診断書 ケーススタディ 15】


☑ やめたい。しかし今日はなんというどしゃぶりだ。

☑ 頭にくる連中ばかりだ。でも〇〇さえいなければ気は晴れる。

☑ この仕事は面倒だ。しかしこれさえ終われば気は楽だ。

☑ 仕事の殆どが会議だ。何度も招集される会議にはもううんざり。

☑ これはもしかしてパワハラ?一発ぶっ飛ばしてやめたい気分だ。

☑ あのクライアントはお金がないうえわがままで面倒だしもうやめたい。


☑ 同期の〇〇が一足早く部長になった。評価がおかしいしやめたい。

☑ 年収にさほど不満はない。しかしいまの仕事にはもう飽きた。

☞ 全てにチェックが付いても「やめたい」はしばし放置しましょう。これらの原因であなたの収入を手放すのは勿体ないのでまずは「異動」を願い出ましょう。



☑ ビジネスに真剣に取り組んでいる。もしかすると上司や先輩より自分の方が「圧倒的にできる」と近ごろ確信するようになった。


☑ 収益は上げているし努力を惜しまず頑張っている。理由はあるにせよ会社や上司の自分に対する評価に「強烈な不満」を感じる。


☑ いまの会社での将来像が全く描けなくなった。なりたいイメージやビジョンといまのキャリアにあまりに大きな隔たりがある。


☑ 自分はもっとできると感じるし大変でも良いからもっと挑戦したい。

☞ あなたの器に合う居場所を引き寄せるため、いますぐ「準備」を開始するべきです。




☑ いまの年収が自分にまったく見合っていない。


☑ いまの契約形態が自分にまったく見合っていない。


☑ 間もなく契約期限が終了する。

☞ いますぐ次の居場所への行動を起こすべきです。「年収」と「契約」だけはいまの環境ではどうにもなりません。

いまへ全力投球。 あなたを応援しています。 by isso

ぼくは世界一楽しいサラリーマン 著者:石渡晃一

▮ なりたい職業ランキング1位「サラリーマン」

「毎月口座にお金を振り込んでもらえるというのはすごいこと。」 ブラック企業や社畜といったサラリーマンに対するネガティブとは対極の視点から会社勤めを捉えるこの本は、あなたが自分の人生をどう捉えるかによって180度見え方が変わることを示唆しています。何をやりたいのかを真剣に考え行動することで、状況は変えられるのです。

価格: 1,120円
(2015/06/30 14:00時点 )

価格: 1,512円
(2015/06/30 14:01時点 )
read more "【いますぐやめたい会社員へ】それ本気?あなたのやめたい本気度診断"


Make a habit to increase your motivation for breakthrough.

Do you have some “little thing” to keep practicing every day during the few months or few years?
Malcom Gladwell’s bestseller Outliers: The Story of Success tells us the importance of practice. 
He wrote the common point of people who successful did “10,000 hours of practice”.
In my opinion, most important point of keep doing something every day is the action becomes your habit. 
If you try to keep on doing something daily, it requires huge energy and it is hard to continue. 
However, if the daily action becomes your habit, you don’t need such energy to continue the action.
From The Iron Lady movie, Margaret Thatcher says 

“Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become your character. And watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.”

Don’t be lazy to continue working something. It becomes your habit.

3 effects of daily action
Effect 1 You can practice on your own terms to breakthrough
Effect 2 It becomes your habit and you will gain confidence.
Effect 3 One day, dramatic change will arrive.

The common point of great business person is “habit”. Your daily unintentional acts bring certain result. 
From my experience, you need two months to become any act as a habit. Great change arrives at after 6-8 months. 
Let’s look again your daily habit and concentrate your effort on “make a habit of good action”
Chart of accumulate your experience
1 hour/day×240 day×30 years= 7,200 hours(300 days about 10 months)
2 hours/day×240 day×30 years= 14,400 hours (600 days about 20 months)
3 hours/day×240 day×30 years= 21,600 hours (900 days about 30 months)
4 hours/day×240 days×30 years= 28,800 hours (1200 days about 40 months)

I’ll Make You an Offer You Can’t Refuse: Insider Business Tips from a Former Mob Boss by Michael Franzese

The book which is bestseller at US and Taiwan is a business guidebook written by former boss of mafia.
The major difference between this book and other business book we usually read is “author’s life is at stake or not”. It contains a lot of information about how to manage critical point or moment.


Let's think something. Best wishes to you!
read more "Make a habit to increase your motivation for breakthrough. "

























新・片づけ術「断捨離」 著者:やましたひでこ

価格: 467円
(2015/06/29 11:54時点 )


豊かな人生に集中しよう。 あなたを応援しています。 by isso
read more "【できる社員の習慣】机上の空~あなたを集中へ導く朝一10分行動"


3 things you should make priority definitely. Stop rationalizes and quit work immediately.

“I have to do this and that. “ I guess serious people like you have a lot of things to do. Reply an email, make arrangement, call, have a meeting, create a document, estimate for something, go to business trip and etc…

You may already realize that rationalize everything is out of necessity. Nevertheless, you think that “I know I have to rationalize my work, but how I rationalize such a state of confusion.” To tell the truth, you can change such situation easily.

The greatest cause of your inferiority complex about “I cannot do work well” is helping others gratuitous task. It brings you self-ridicule mind.

The things what I want you to work on is “Think seriously about what are you going to quit.” If it is difficult to rationalize, quit what you should quit to breakthrough.

It is hard to rationalize but everyone can quit something.
3 things you should make priority, definitely.
No1 You become healthy and content.
No2 You and your friend become rich
No3 Finish your work delightfully and rapidly.

The things you should stop

Study for perform the a lot of job quickly / Get unprofitable qualification/ Attend the internal meaningless meeting positively/ Make small talk on and on at phone, meeting and smoking area/ Worry about happening that would never occur in near future/ think something over yesterday long time/ care about your evaluation from your boss or company/ talk about the other's personnel affairs  and etc...

The one thing: The Surprisingly simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results By Gary Keller

You have to do only one thing. The book brought me paradigm conversion and changed my way of thinking.  Gary tells us the 6 lies of common sense and he tells you how to narrow focus to leads you to the process of success clearly

"Everything matters equally" "Multitasking" "A disciplined life" "Willpower is always on will call"
"A balanced life " "Big is bad" These such lies hold you back. If you read this, you will release your mind from these thinking which make you stopping to think. Then you will breakthrough,

"Please do something this guy" When I was multitasking a lot of job and thinking almost nothing because of work, people around me received such wording email. "Am I bad?" No I wasn't. It seemed like I should work with different person.

A frog in the well knows not the sea. Best wishes to you! By isso
read more "3 things you should make priority definitely. Stop rationalizes and quit work immediately."



「これ、どうしてくれます? 何回言ったらわかるんだ。」クライアントの担当者は相当ご立腹なうえ請負会社の担当者の理解力の無さに頭を抱えています。






❶ あなたと相手の相性はそもそも良くなかった。


❷ 相手が「上から」怒られたり責められている。


❸ 業界トップのA社なら相手は「上に」言い訳できるが、あなたがB社なので相手は言い訳ができず、あなたを指名した責任から逃れたい。


❹ 相手のプライドが高いもしくは強いコンプレックスがあるため、自分の責任とは認められずあなたに非があることを「確定」したい。


❺ 相手が人間関係もしくは仕事に対する高いストレスを抱えており、発散のはけ口を外に依存している。






死なない限り問題はない 著者:早田英志




価格: 1,944円
(2015/06/25 18:50時点 )

やまない雨はない。 あなたを応援しています。 by isso

read more "【折れない社員の思考法】出禁・担当外しに潜む不可思議すぎる裏要因"



「 先輩、ここのやり方がわかりません。 」

「 はいはい。ここはこうしてこうして~ 」 ズビズズズ

「 先輩、さすがですね! 」

「 当たり前よ。あ、コーヒーもう一杯ください。 」




「ビッグデータ時代の到来とともに世界規模でのパラダイムシフトが加速しています。」 このようなピンと来ない話をあなたはどのように捉えているでしょうか。







☑ いつもの形に「全く異なる新たな試み」を加える。


☑ 「お金の流入口」を増やし「お金の職場」を探す。



☑ 小さな1つを「大量に複製」する。





挑戦する会社 著者:神田昌典

▮ 離陸寸前のジェット機





進化する化石。 あなたを応援しています。 by isso
read more "【できる会社員の思考改革】急速に進化する新しい世界をとらえよう。"

3 things good-natured-person should do to earn money

You are good person. You are serious, reliable, hardworking, and kind. Good person should become rich and be promoted more and more. Despite this, I guess there are many such “good” people have a problem because of their business going wrong.
From my experience, the people who are good money maker are so energetic.
They don’t have incredible ability or the art of conversation. They aren’t always serious and kind.
Even they have different sense of values about the definition of wealth and success; they have only one common thing about their speech and behavior.

All of them are absolutely affirmative about everyone become rich, flourish, and earn lots of money.

Of course there is exception, but I want you to know that money and wealth is infinity, and it waits for you. Let’s start affirm this point at first.

Three things a good-natured-person should do
1 Let’s start studying about the money.
2 You should affirm earn lots of money positively and thoroughly.
3 Stay away from the villain who lowers your reputation.
I will write the way to distinguish the villain different article. From my definition, villain is the one who lowers your spirit and trick you into doing something forcibly. Be strong to repel them.

Let’s study about money. Best wishes to you!

read more "3 things good-natured-person should do to earn money"
























最強マフィアの仕事術 マイケル・フランゼーゼ

▮ 仕事への甘えを潰すマフィアの掟



価格: 1,200円
(2015/06/23 16:01時点 )

価格: 1,620円
(2015/06/23 16:02時点 )

思考ありき。 あなたを応援しています。 by isso

read more "【できる社員の仕事術】習慣化によるやる気増強で常識限界を突破せよ"


Let’s start new business to lift up your motivation for something.

You have a mind of starting business or project, don’t you? 
The first step of new challenge to achieve the big goal looks similar to leave lonely humble port.

When people welcome the someone, who look at the excellent results of project proudly and said “This is what I did”, with thunderous applause, there is no one know who and where the project have started.

Essential significance of start “1000 million business” is to gain confidence in oneself and earn pride. It is more important than amount of money. When you are going to tackle small, humble and elusive business or project, you will have to fight against the loneliness. If the business or the project gets off the track, you will acquire confidence in yourself and you feel proud of yourself.

The new and lonely challenge which is no one taking notice would succeed joyously.
However, you may don’t notice your great achievement. It is because you only concern about the creating.

Let’s start new project
3 points to decide the possibility of success.

1 The things no one wants to do on one’s own initiative.
2 The process of workings is so humble and seems usual.

3 It “seems interesting”, “seems profitable” and “seems improve dramatically”

Let's take a ship. Best wishes to you! by isso

read more "Let’s start new business to lift up your motivation for something."







【 絶対最優先3項目~これ以外はやめましょう 】








大量の業務タスクを早くこなすために「勉強」すること/スキルアップのために「儲からない資格」を取ること/儲からない社内のミーティングや会議に積極的に出席すること/電話や打ち合わせや喫煙所等で延々と世間話をすること/来もしない明日やその先の心配をすること/昨日のことをグダグダと反省すること/特定の上司や先輩や会社からの評価を気にすること/他人の人事を話題にすること .etc


ワン・シング 著者:ゲアリーケラー/ジェイ・パパザン

▮ 1日の意志の供給量は限られる。



「この人、何とかして。」大量の業務をこなしマルチタスクにまみれて思考停止していた私のまわりには、このような文言がメールとともに飛び交っていました。「私はダメなのか?」 いえいえ。全力投球するべき相手を、間違っていただけのようです。

価格: 1,300円
(2015/06/22 12:39時点 )


価格: 1,469円
(2015/06/22 12:42時点 )

社の中の蛙、世界を知らず。 あなたを応援しています。 by isso
read more "【できる会社員の仕事術】合理化せず即やめる。絶対優先すべき3項目"


Break through the common sense of time management

Get a lot done, able to check and send a lot of email, has various knowledge, get in touch with many clients.
In general, people who work for something would be praised if they have these abilities. Do you have them? When I ask same question to myself, the answer is “No”. Formerly, I thought I am incompetent because I doubted the usability of these abilities.
Practically, when I was creating 1000 million yen business for 7 years, I didn’t have time to do what I wrote at start of sentence. For monetized the business as best as I could, I had to stop 5 things out of necessity.
5 things what I stopped for expand my business
1 I stopped checking email
2 I stopped to answer the phone.
3 I stopped to keep in touch with a lot of people
4 I stopped to do business with unprofitable people
5 I stopped to do as I was told
“Stop doing.” is more important than “doing”. I want you to try it, too.

The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere and Join the New Rich by Timothy Ferris

Revolution of lifestyle

Finally I found the book. The Number of copies is more than thirteen million and it is being read more than 35 languages. I got Japanese one. If you want to be “new rich” you must read it.
It explains in detail about the process of “DEAL” as Definition, Elimination, Automation and Liberation. It will take away your stereotyped ideas.
The book contains a lot of idea about the way of using time. You will find different point of view about working and lifestyle.

Throw the whole thing away. Best wishes to you!

read more "Break through the common sense of time management"