
Figure out how world is changing rapidly

“*Senpai, I don’t know how to do this.”
“OK, do this way”
“I got it. Great, you always do better than I expected Senpai”
“Of course I can. Oh bring me another coffee, please”

*Senpai(先輩) is a title of respect in Japan. When you call your mentor or senior who belongs to same organization, you call senpai.

For Senpai, there is no more worth teaching *Kohai who express his/her gratitude from Senapi’s telling. 
Though, the thing you should consider is not your Kohai’s future because people who asks some question is improving themselves. 
On the other hand, Senpai who teaches something to Kohai improve nothing.
Actually, you could say that you learning how to teach. 
However, people who supervise others should take it for granted that they teach others. 
Furthermore they should advance themselves. 
It is tragedy that if your relationship is similar to mentor who becomes like a fossil and a pupil who takes lessons from cretaceous period.

*In Japan, Kohai (後輩) means junior at work or school.
Become a fossil or challenge to change

“Era of Big Data has arrived and paradigm shift is accelerated globally…”  What do you think about such story?
In past, such stories didn’t come to my mind.
I had no interest such change because it seemed no difference to me.
Nevertheless, after I had participated in a several technical summits, lecture meeting of university and business setting, I noticed that it is changing. 
Even an ordinary person like me could find out which it seemed impossible for us becomes possible.

It is not only information, art and lifestyle. 
You can see revolutionary idea and technology becomes real in all fields. 
I’m not sure whether the reason of the speed of innovation accelerates suddenly is because people all over the world are connecting or not. 
But I’m sure about your surrounding environment will change dramatically in 10 years from now.

Do small activity to avoid being a fossil
They are 3 new habits to accelerate your evolution

1 Add a new activity to your daily life behavior.
You should change something small from your daily work to avoid being alone. 
Your glory from the past does nothing to help. You have to increase your presence value.
2 Diversify your revenue streams and select where you invest your money.
You should have several varied revenue sources. 
Even each revenue is small like brook, it will become big like large river when business is prospering.
Use your money for investment but not consumption as far as possible.

3 Do a lot of small things like you are copying.
Let’s think how to copy your business and pattern of earning money at all times. 
It is kind of pointless if you collect them and try to look complete picture of your revenue streams in a conceptual manner. 
You should analyze these revenues separately on first. Then, put them together.

If you do a favor for somebody, you will get return favor. 
You should improve yourself to become able to bring new value to others.

Best wishes to you! By isso


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