
3 things you should make priority definitely. Stop rationalizes and quit work immediately.

“I have to do this and that. “ I guess serious people like you have a lot of things to do. Reply an email, make arrangement, call, have a meeting, create a document, estimate for something, go to business trip and etc…

You may already realize that rationalize everything is out of necessity. Nevertheless, you think that “I know I have to rationalize my work, but how I rationalize such a state of confusion.” To tell the truth, you can change such situation easily.

The greatest cause of your inferiority complex about “I cannot do work well” is helping others gratuitous task. It brings you self-ridicule mind.

The things what I want you to work on is “Think seriously about what are you going to quit.” If it is difficult to rationalize, quit what you should quit to breakthrough.

It is hard to rationalize but everyone can quit something.
3 things you should make priority, definitely.
No1 You become healthy and content.
No2 You and your friend become rich
No3 Finish your work delightfully and rapidly.

The things you should stop

Study for perform the a lot of job quickly / Get unprofitable qualification/ Attend the internal meaningless meeting positively/ Make small talk on and on at phone, meeting and smoking area/ Worry about happening that would never occur in near future/ think something over yesterday long time/ care about your evaluation from your boss or company/ talk about the other's personnel affairs  and etc...

The one thing: The Surprisingly simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results By Gary Keller

You have to do only one thing. The book brought me paradigm conversion and changed my way of thinking.  Gary tells us the 6 lies of common sense and he tells you how to narrow focus to leads you to the process of success clearly

"Everything matters equally" "Multitasking" "A disciplined life" "Willpower is always on will call"
"A balanced life " "Big is bad" These such lies hold you back. If you read this, you will release your mind from these thinking which make you stopping to think. Then you will breakthrough,

"Please do something this guy" When I was multitasking a lot of job and thinking almost nothing because of work, people around me received such wording email. "Am I bad?" No I wasn't. It seemed like I should work with different person.

A frog in the well knows not the sea. Best wishes to you! By isso

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