
Become slaves of good habits. Affect of stop watching TV

"I know I have to change. But what am I suppose to do first?"

What is the way to change yourself?
It doesn't mean you should change yourself.
I want to tell you is you have infinite possibilities.
If you think "I am contended, but my life seems more interesting", it is great.
In addition, if you want to breakthrough, it is much better.

“Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become your character. And watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.”

I think these quote is one of witty remark to encourage you small change.
Great men like Margaret Thatcher, Mother Teresa, and Konosuke Matsumoto were all saying same thing. "Thought change your destiny".
However, you may think that "What I am suppose to do on first?"

I will form good habits and become their slave

This quotation is from The Greatest Salesman in the World which is written by Og Mandino. Thought, word, action, habits, character, and destiny are all connecting. What important thing from this quote is "Form good habit". It is because, everyone can change own habit and it affect thoughts, words, and acts.
In addition, only one way to change your habits is form goo habits.You should do that immediately.

Good habits 1 60 days exercising: Stop watching TV.
Instead of watching TV, you should read a book.

Bad habits: After you wake up, grab remote and turn on the TV to watch TV program.
Good habits: After you wake up, grab practical guide or scholarly book and read it.

Great effect

You are able to be confident because of your effort and acquire knowledge when your head is clear.
You can go to your office in your best condition

What you should do is start something immediately.
It is nothing that you think or argue about something you can't do anything.

There is something more important to do than watching the news about artiste or incident.(Except forecast) 
What you have to do is go to office and work for something in front of your eyes at your best.
I also stopped the habit of turn on the TV and watch TV program of cute dog, or persistent meal.
After that I made a great benefit.
Why don't you form a good habit.

Good habits change your life. Best wishes to you. By isso


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