
The way how to overcome post holiday blues

"I feel kind of blue today"
When you try to encourage yourself, what do you suppose to do on first?
How to eliminate the reason of your depression?

What Maslow's hierarchy of needs suggests

According to American psychologist Abraham Maslow,  human needs are distinguished to Psychological, Safety, Love/belonging, Esteem and Self-actualization. 
He described these needs as ordered in a prepotent hierarchy. 
It consisted like pyramid and if you satisfied the bottom need(psychological), you would give your attention to the next highest level.

Even if you give your attention to the higher level, you get hungry

Psychological needs are basic needs(food, sleep or etc). If I follow Maslow's theory, you give your attention after you eat and sleep. 
There is a thing you have to do before you give your attention to your income, where you live, relationship with someone, self esteem and respect of others, You should eat and sleep. Human brain mixed up lots of things to confuse you.

Let's eat something delicious food to have more fun at work
The schedule which makes you feeling great

-Make priority for eating on your schedule. When you go somewhere for business talk, arrive good restaurant which is near to destination before 11:30.
You should connect good restaurant and your destination. It is effective for have more fun at visiting. After enjoying your lunch, your business talk will be much better.

-Make out a schedule to visit nice coffee shop when you go back.
To avoid work overtime lazily, schedule something have fun in short time. Instead of grumbling "I cannot play anything because of work" to your friend of work, find some secret place to have fun in short time.

Eat Sleep and Forget. Best wishes to you. by isso

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