
You should think fairly of what you give and what you take. Think too highly of sales target brings you trouble.

"Your operating profit on sales is decreasing from the previous year. You should work harder."

I guess some of you have experience of doubting your sales target and target income because they are too high. 
How do you maintain your motivation of working even your boss add your target number because of "people should help each other" and make up for a loss of impossible project's labor costs by your profit?

Is the relationship fair?

There are 4 characters in your business. Customer. your company, you and your cooperator.  

You should think carefully about the relationship between you and your company. It is because such dependent relationship becomes the cause of you have been abandoned by your customers and cooperators.  It may change your life to be negative and your business becomes unfair.

It should be fair that what you give and what you take to enjoy your life.

1 You made contract of employment with company but not your boss or your post. You should do your job for your company but not for your boss.

2 If you are more valuable than what your company pay you, the relationship will continue. If you bring profit far more than what your company pay you, you and your company should redress an imbalance or quit the relationship.

3 The target what your company gives you isn't your target. You have your target and it should be fair to what you give and take from your company properly.

If the relationship is good for 4 characters, your business will improve continuously. However, in many cases, people follow their organization's own convenience and people work like slave with blaming each other. Then they lose their tension and destroy the business without knowing.

If you make priority of your organization ask you to do, it is hard to enjoy your life or improve your business. I want you to know this truth.

If everyone earn profit, you also earn profit. Best wishes to you! by isso


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