
“Which brand of beer would you prefer?” The way to prepare for attracts the clients by wined and dined.


Have you ever have a hard time of preparing for reception or drinking party?

*Omotenashi(おもてなし) means to treat or entertain someone sincerely

Because of changing law and several companies cut down their social expenses, Japanese traditional sales *"Settai" and *"Nomunication" tend to decreasing.  Even so, profitable sales I know depend on "Settai" and "Nomunication".

*Settai(接待) is translated as "reception" or "entertainment". People entertain their guests with refreshment. In general, it contains eating and drinking.

*Nomunication(飲みニケーション) is blendword. It is from Japanese verb "Nomu" (to drink) and communication. Japanese salespeople drink alcohol with colleague, boss, or clients for build good relationship.

People who deprecate "Settai" will cry because of "Settai"

Many of Japanese salespeople think "Settai" is very useful not because they enjoy eating and drinking.

Actually there are some people who just want have fun. However, in business, I never seen people who just saying all they have to say or just eating and drinking when they hold Settai.

Especially in "Settai", it is a best chance to show how you can entertain people and your skill of making arrangements. Your customers observe your personality and skill.

You shouldn't look down on Settai. You should involve to hold reception to learn how to receive company to become not only able to work but also reliable person who has mind of hospitality and politeness.

Show your clients hospitality to attract them.
10 points you should follow to select the place.

1 Don't select large chain restaurants. Select the restaurants which has private room or like half a private room.

2 The place should be near to the way back of your customers.

3 If you don't get use to go there, you should look the place over beforehand. You should look other near restaurants also and if you find the better place than your first plan, change it.

4 When you look the place beforehand, find out which street you can get taxi easily. You should also search where is other downtown areas for party after the party,

5 If you choose non-exclusive restaurant, you should go there beforehand and confirm the restaurant manager about terms of payment. You should also ask him/her the restaurant's plan of serves the meal and available or not about order additional service. (celebrating birthday or show customers something surprise, keep flowers or present.)

6 If you aren't familiar with the area you shouldn't choose crowded or desolate area.

7 You should ask which brand of beer or other drinks they have.
You should also ask smoking is available or not.

8 In the case of the number of people present increased,  you better see table has a margin or not.

9 You should ask clients what they like, dislike and conditions of designation in advance. If you make them choose the restaurant you should bring 3 options and tell them you're going to make reservation after they choose it.

10 Send them e-mail to make sure they know the name of restaurants, address, appointed time. Don't forget to add jpeg file about maps of direction to the restaurant. 

Best wishes to you! by isso


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