
Make your shallow planning paper looks great

"I can't finish this on time. It looks like I need to stay up all night"

You received an order of creating planning paper and you finished it on eleventh hour. So presentation was terrible. Don't you have such experience before?

If you can handle it, it is OK that you think

"People who don't understand my oral presentation are all foolish" However, in Japan, you have to lay the groundwork for consensus building.

It seems like many of Japanese office workers have faith in paper. I guess this is still a future story that people who work in Japan are released from making material.

I have created lots of planning paper and I sat up all night to finish them in many times for meet a deadline. I gave priority to work for profitable issues and I left unprofitable works until nearing a deadline. It is a chance to improve your skill of make plan in haste.

3 secrets to to attract audience more than they expected by shallow planning paper

1. Capture audience's attention. (Arrange the cover and use many images)
2 Assure your audience that this plan is fine (Increase the number of pages to save appearance)
3 Tell the story to the audience (Make them focus on you and not paper)

★You need only 3 hours to make your rough planning paper looks great


1. Cover (10 min)
Put picture, image and title on cover.  Characters of title should be bold. (If you make this in Japanese, the number of characters should be approximately 15)

2 Gather the contents (60 min)
Put plural pages in one page. It looks like much more information is putted the paper.

3 Make it Brilliant (60 min)
Put many pictures on paper as possible as you can. Put picture on several pages and don't centralize on one page.

4 Add source and reason to assure them. (30 min)
If there is space on paper, you should add list, graph, or data on space.  Their size should be smaller than 2/3 of a page. It is best if you can add more than 2 for the paper.

5 This is a steps for people who concern form. (20 min)
Use common background and common title bar for all pages. 

If your clients are very formal people,  add lightly bright color on back ground and put graduation bar on header. Title bar should be smaller than 1/5 of page because it looks so silly.  In some cases, add copyright notice on bottom page.

Appearance is important. Best wishes to you!


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