
Let's get up early and run slow on the morning. I've lost 10 kg -1-

"I have low blood pressure and I'm nocturnal person.  So I can't wake up early"
I guess some of you may find it difficult to get up and you keep saying such phrases.

Go to bed early

Set some alarm clocks,
Prepare for next morning breakfast
After I wake up, open the curtain and window to let fresh air into the room and bask in the sun immediately
Take a shower firstly in the morning
Wake up early, take a less crowded train, go to office earlier than others

These are what I challenged for "wake up activity" and I couldn't keep trying more than a week.

I challenged several times but I couldn't keep doing. So one day I thought why and I found out the reason.

It is because even I woke up, I was going back to sleep many times. I couldn't count on my will or energy. To make matter worse, last night drinking party and reception would cut the continuation of morning activities.

I repeated above things.

On a cold winter morning, I woke up and I moved like pill bug on the bed to tried to get up.  However, I went back to sleep after few minutes.

On a hot summer morning, I woke up because of air conditioner timer was expired. I turned on air conditioner again and I sprawled on the bed. Then I went back to sleep.

I couldn't get up because of alcohol and tiredness by attended drinking party or reception at last night.

Then I found out what you and me should do to keep getting up early in any circumstance.

3 things you should do keep getting up early definitely.

1 To avoid you go to sleep twice, you should go outside. You should go somewhere you can't lay down.

2 Same as dieting, it is hundred percent impossible to continue it if you have only will or motivation. 

3 It is unavoidable you attend the drinking party or reception. So it is impossible to keep doing same thing everyday. It is much better you keep getting up early every other day for than you got up early everyday only a week.

So I started to run slow on early morning. I will write a detail later. I called it is "Wasshoi Walk"and I continued it. About 3 month ago I started it because I wanted to get up early. Now I have lost 10kg, my γ-GTP and uric acid level were normalized.

Running on early morning is access to go another world

Let's change your will as your habit. Best wishes to you! by isso


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