
Don’t give up! 5 reasons of why your client ordered you to removed you in charge.

Don’t you have an experience of being forbidden to enter the client’s office because of their order?
“How could you make up for? When do you understand what I am saying?”
The client was really mad because their contractor’ staff lacked of understanding.

The staff was asked question many times about his recognition that the meeting agenda from his clients. He made reports for several nights. He went to client’s office many times to apologize and he submitted the letter of apology again and again.

If you are in same situation as the person, you may blame yourself and lose confidence. Though, you have to recognize that true reason of such clients blame the person. He doesn’t have to blame himself.

The cause of someone who treats you badly or condemns your failure furiously in is not your fault in many cases.
Real motive and reason of people blame you.

1 You and the person aren’t compatible.
2 The person’s boss blamed him/her.
3 The person cannot say reasonable excuse to his/her boss why he/she chose the contractor.
So he/she wanted to back out of his/her responsibility why he/she chose your company.
4 The person took too much pride in himself/herself or had inferiority complex.
So he/she couldn’t accept own responsibility and he/she tried to make it is your fault.
5 The person had problem with human relations or under stress of working. So he/she blamed you to work off the stress.

The story I wrote at the beginning is my experience. When I worked for major telecommunication company, I had a problem of working. So the person who charged blamed me many times.
“Oh please, finish blaming me quickly”
As expected, I got depressed. Anyway time goes by.

When people tried to convince you it is your responsibility by expressing perfect logic, they wanted to rule you or they had selfish circumstance in the background sometimes.
I received complaint and scold from clients and they ordered me to remove the person in charge several times. From these experiences, I realized their true intentions. This is my true opinion. It will continue

Rainy days never stay. Best wishes to you! By isso

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