
Clean up your desk. 10 minutes to improve your concentration on morning.

Which one do you prefer? You pass a busy day. Or you have a peaceful day. 
Papers lay scattered on the table, you received huge amount of email and your phones have been ringing off the hook. 
If you are in such circumstance your peaceful day would become a busy day.

Especially among them, it tends to people think lightly of clean and tidy own desk.

The materials which lay scattered your desk would interrupt your concentration. 
The time you can concentrate mostly is morning. If you arrive at office on morning and see messy desk, you will lose most appropriate time to concentrate. 
Cause of information from materials or data about yesterday or long time ago, it will confuse you.
Plenty of information leads you to be impatient unconsciously. Take away all of information you don’t need from your sight.

3 actions to stop your confusion on morning.
Step 1 Leave “only PC” on your desk
On first, gather all materials on your desk in one place except PC. 
Papers, writing implement, book and etc…
Step 2 Clean all surfaces of the desk.
Use wet wipes or something easy to taking out the trash to clean all surfaces of the desk. 
You will find out how your desk is dirty because of dust, moss, and scraps of food.
Step 3 Bring 3 corrugated cardboard and separate the objects you gathered to “You use instantly”, “Lifework” and “Others”.
Don’t think seriously. Just throw objects in cardboard. 
Put pen and the data you need for today or tomorrow on “You use instantly” box. 
If they are something about investment for your future, throw them into “Lifework” box

Important point
Use big cardboard. Finish cleaning surface of the desk just 10 min.
Don’t make any exception of remove all objects from your desk except table.

Great Effect 1
If you removed all materials, your desk would remain clear long time. If there is a something useless thing is on the table it brings 1000 something useless thing on the table.
Great Effect 2
Useless objects from the drawer will go to garbage. If you get rid of huge amount of trash and excess stock, you can concentrate on working. Then you will earn chance and money.

Let’s focus on your enriched life. Best wishes to you! By isso

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