
Are you sure you want to quit? Use the criteria to check your decision is right or not

"I want to quit"

It is said that most reason of people decide to quit or change the career is "human relation ship" with co-workers or boss.

Even you don't know have idea of quitting, I guess many of you who reading this article are dissatisfied with own circumstance for some reason.

Actually there are people who really want to quit the job. However, I guess some of them lose the reason to quit the job if their slight problem would be solved.
There are 2 cases people want for quitting. First one depends on temporary emotion, and it is avoidable to quit. Second one depends on radical principle and it is unavoidable to quit.

What I heard from several business people said and from my experience, I realized one thing. If you misunderstood your real intention, you may ruin good relationship with people around you and chance of creating profitable business.

So I wish you to find out why you want to quit and don't lose appreciation for people who support you for going to next step.

Criteria of quitting job

"I want to quit,  Anyway it's raining so hard"
"How come they offended me. If only that guy is disappear. I feel better.
"It is so troublesome job, Anyway, if I finish this and it would be fine"

"Too many office meetings. I’m really disgusted with meetings"
"Is it power harassment? I feel I punch that guy and quit"
"That client has no money, selfish and tiresome. I want to quit"
"Why did he/she promote to manager earlier than me. It’s ridiculous"
"The company pay well. But I’m bored with my job"

Even all sentences above applied to you, you shouldn’t decide to quit your job immediately. You shouldn’t lose your salary only for those reasons. You should request personnel reshuffle on first.

"You seriously work on your business. 
You convince that you can do better than your boss or seniors."

"You are productive employee. 
Even they have some reason, you dissatisfied with company’s evaluation."

"Your vision of future and your career are so different"

"You feel you can do much better. You want to more challenge even it is hard."

You should start preparing to find a new job which is suitable for your potential

"Your salary doesn't reflect the work you do"

"Type of employment isn't suit you"

"Period of contract is going to expire."

You should start to find a job immediately. 
You can do nothing about your salary and contract at current work place

Do your best. Best wishes to you!

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