
This is the way to use your time effectively. Find the "best" coffee shop which makes revolution of your life.

You arrived early at the destination, business conversation isn't start yet, or you leave the office because you can’t concentrate. If you are in such situation how or where do you spend your spare time? For office worker, use one’s time effectively is very important thing.

Make revolution of your life on coffee shop

When you think about your business and money seriously, you need strong power of concentration. If you are student you can go to school, library, or preparatory. On the other hand, many of office workers don’t recognize the importance of place even they need to concentrate. Bookstore, hotel lounge, lounge for members only, and etc… There are many place you can concentrate especially urban areas. Among them I recommend coffee shop. As you know it is familiar and affordable. How about make revolution of your life from coffee shop?
“The point of selecting the coffee shop where you can concentrate”
If you want spent your time efficient maximally at coffee shop, it is necessary to find out the best place for working. I call such coffee shop “Business Coffee Shop”. After you go into the place, look around the  shop to check can you concentrate to work on.

4 factors you should check about "Business Coffee Shop" 

1 Quality of customers. (It influence your motivation)
2 Space. (You should keep your personal space)
3 Sound. (Comfortable music or sound is welcome. But noise is not serving your purpose)
4 Multipurpose. (Non smoking/Smoking, correspond the number of people increase or decrease)

If you want to choose best coffee shop, you should check these points.

☑Check shop isn't crowded and snug.

☑Look the space between the seats is wide. You also need to see the table is rectangle. 

Check the seats arrangement isn't parallel.

Check students are just few on the shop

Check that other customers talking about business.

Check that number of people don't talk on loud voice.

Check that only few customers are killing time alone.

Check there is smoking and non smoking area.

Check the music volume of shop is low.

This is ranking of how long I stay in coffee shop

No.1 8 hours "Name of shop is secret" (Writing and reading book)
No.2 7 hours "Renoir" (Reading book)
No.3 6 hours "Kohikan" (Studying for exam)
No.4 5 Hours "Key Coffee" (Meeting with account)

The name of shop I stayed 8 hours is secrete because it is my hiding place. 

If you have chance to visit or you already live in Japan, how about go into these coffee shops?

Make revolution of your life from coffee shop.
Best wishes to you!
by isso & heyizo


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