
Speak least and use 3 materials to attract people you meet.

“Nice to meet you”
When you have first meeting between someone, how do you develop the conversation? You tell your name, where your post, then sit down. It is said that “Listen, and don’t talk” is the best way of sales. However, people you met don’t understand who you are until you communicate with them. You need to find out the way of communication how make them understand you and develop the conversation even you aren’t good at speak with someone.

Thing you should do

The top 3 topics which make us sick of business talk are “Weather”, “Current events” and “company”, aren’t they? If the temperature has been over 35 degrees, of course it is hot. We can’t predict when and which volcano shows activity. Even if you and clients praised each other’s company, it is not for sure that you could make a deal. In short, these topics help nothing of knowing each other. Anyway you don’t have to worry about you feel you are bad of speaking. To begin with, there is no one good at talking with someone. People who seemed good at communication made extra effort. Even you are bad of communicate with people; there is a means to tell who you are.

Attract people you meet by 3 materials
1 Special card case. 2 Good quality pen. 3 Big pocketbook.
Great Effect 1
Someone who sees you would realize that you are concerned with having the real thing, have an eye of good material, and attitude of your supporting about the art.
Great Effect 2 
It becomes make sales activities without words. These materials express who you are and your independent personality.
Great Effect 3

They aren’t fashion merchandise or luxury good. You tell how you are attached to these materials. So it is different from boast or sarcastic.

Effort which made in the underground is visible, somehow.
Best wishes to you! by isso


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