
Prepare for computerization in 10 years.

Your work may begin with meeting. Then you may follow a schedule as prepare for afternoon previous arrangement or discussing business. After you finish your lunch and business meeting, you may drink casually with your colleague and go back to home. It's not the best what you expected but not so bad. It seems you don’t need to think deeply about your work because business moved on almost automatically. So is it OK that you just do your task without thinking until you quit the job?  Unfortunately, my answer is No.

Let’s become more creative

Over the next decade, several occupations are likely to be substituted by computers. According toTHE FUTURE OF EMPLOYMENT: HOW SUSCEPTIBLE ARE JOBS TO COMPUTERISATION?” which is represented by Michael Osborne Associate Professor, University of Oxford, and Co-Director, Oxford Martin Programme on Technology and Employment and Carl Benedikt Frey, co-director of the Oxford Martin Programme on Technology and Employment at the Oxford Martin School, 47 percent of US employments have risk of substitution. People who think “It can’t be happen” are too underestimating the human’s curiosity. Even you shut your eyes near future, scientist or engineer are inputing the huge knowledge into computer. However; don’t worry about it. You have creative silly idea and original foolish experience. Computer never has such idea or experience.
Get ready for computerize age. Train your thought to have creative thinking.
1 Think creatively and originally.
There is no time to compete with your boss, colleague, or junior. You should take a good look at yourself and find out what you want to create by unique point of view.
2 Make your goal and elaborate a plan.

Your goal is on upper right. X-axis is time axis and Y-axis is amount of money. Put white paper on desk. Then write down what you want to do and your 7 years or 10 years business plan. 

3 Write your record and memory on pocketbook for future
Take your pocketbook out and look again your past experience. Your past experience will become your life asset. So write down your record and memory on pocketbook so that you can look back what you did after 10 years.

Totally automatic farm

“This is the one” I elaborated a plan of the “Dream Farm”. After Enjoy horse riding, I harvest vegetable. Enjoy watching sunflowers and drinking wine at patio with my friends. However, one day I was shocked what I got to know at Tokyo University, department of agriculture’s seminar. “Robot Tractor” When I heard Fusion of agriculture and IT, I thought it is an amateur theory. I believed human use hands and legs to plow a field after all. So it was really shocking. This tractor moves full automatic and be in error by less than few centimeter. The speed of evolution about robot and computer is far beyond from our imagination.

For best age. Best wishes to you! by isso

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