
Let’s say what you want to say. 3 rules for cut arrogant and incompetent people down.

What is your limitation of patience?
In company or organization, there are many situations you should endure. Especially, Japanese value cooperativeness and speak something cooperative instead of what you want to say is admired in many cases. However, I have doubt the sense of value.

If somebody forces you to serve something and you follow it, your attention will go to that person. Then, if the person doesn’t give you something return, you may have grudge against the person. After that, you will involve people around you because of your vengeance and you belittle your own value. For avoid being like this, let’s make your happiness and your health priority. Just focus on what you think is best.

Contradiction between driving force and cooperativeness

Power source of largest carrier in the world is nuclear-power. According to the article, nuclear fusion rocket is available to reach Mars in 30 days.  Actually nuclear-powered is hard to control and serious accidents have occurred at Three Miles Islands, Chernobyl and Fukushima. However it generates enormous energy continuously.

Sometimes demand of cooperation for group force you to admit of the speed of your business would become slowly. Actually harmonious atmosphere is nice. However, if you and your company try to earn profit, even it is small or few, it is necessary to have strong power source to keep your business move forward.

Let’s say everything what you want to say. Declare “Don’t be patient anymore”
3 rules for cut lazy, incompetent, ambiguous, indecision people down.

1 Shout in a loud voice in public.
2 If somebody is higher position than you, you should tell somebody off in a harsh attitude. It must be much harder than you tell your stuff off.
3 After you said everything you want it, forget everything and don’t mention that again.

When you get very angry about somebody's laziness and arrogance, shout in a loud voice in public to play fair for appeal to audience what is the truth.
These 3 rules are very effective. You can’t solve problem quickly if you argue in an impassive manner. 
You are offending each other but not audience. If both are strong, you will have been waging a war of attrition. However, cowards try to defeat kindly person like you stealthily. Tip the guy off or weak counter attack prolong the situation or deteriorate.

I know it is unused to do like this at the beginning. Actually it seems disgraceful but it is opposite. People are watching how your personality is so straightforward and your eagerness. Key person is watching your more carefully.

However, don't hit. Keep the rules.

Keep something to myself

I told them constructive and positive proposal in good faith.  It is certain that we would receipt huge amount of money. My request was fill one more employee. That's all.

Attitude of manager who sat next to me was so shameless. However, important people also attend the meeting and many people concern the problem of labor shortage of our team. So I tried to endure it.

However, because of the manager's ambiguous attitude and his worthless question, I yelled him at loud voice "Just do what I said without grumbling"

He sticked his face and stare me. I thought it is shameful but I apologized. I had a responsibility to attain an objective for my friends from work who were doing their best. 

Let's say it. Best wishes to you! by isso

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