
3 characteristics and the way to cope with person who steal your time

Make documents "for" pre-meeting "for" advance report "for" report.

I guess you have an experience of taking an enormous amount of time to make documents for some weird reason by your boss’s order. Maybe some of you are forced to make a troublesome setup because your boss is timid.

“A stuff of client needs document to report his boss. He wants to have meeting with us to create the document at our office. He told me he needs material for the meeting. So I want you to make a draft and show me for the meeting.”
Purpose is “People who have approving authority of client’s company decide to pay for your company” 
However, people who can’t make decision seem to think “it’s somebody else’s problem” and they give you troublesome business.

If you create thousands of documents for profitable corporate acquisition contract, planning of big project, or new technology of patent application, it is understandable. However, if it is not profitable for you and your company, you shouldn’t waste your time for satisfy some idiot’s meaning of life. Not only you but also for the nature of earth, let’s reduce garbage.

Beware of time of thief.
3 actions to reduce waste time and garbage.

1 Just get along with people who have approving authority, or people who is fast to make decision.
People who have decision making authority decide whether accelerate your business or not promptly. If you get along with people who are far from them, the speed of your business gets slow and you lose unifying force.

2 Don’t meet the demand from people who order you to create documents every time. Or don’t work for what they demand so seriously,

People who order or request to create documents lack the ability of decision or don’t have approving authority. If you work for them seriously and spend long time you will deteriorate the profit of your company. You will also deteriorate business sense when you are praised by you meet the demand.
3 Don’t spend time to get along with people who can’t decide and call many people to avoid own responsibility even they have approving authority.
I think you have some experience of people who should make decision don’t act quickly even you want them to decide immediately. Regardless of managerial position, the characteristic is common to people who can’t make decision. They can’t decide and bear the responsibility to dictate the team. So they involve many people in and avoid own responsibility. So let’s bring something to the end quickly.

Difficult lesson

“I don’t understand what you are saying.” My boss and senior often made a laughingstock of me and they told me they don’t understand what I said.
Profitable business and big chance will more succeed if nobody understood at the beginning. Also they said “It’s for you”. So I didn’t get mad. The problem is I didn’t understand what “they” said.

At the beginning of I joined the company I listened seriously what they said. However, it is difficult to understand how to earn profit by their story. The story was actually beautiful but it had no objective realty and lacked of concreteness. So I changed the behavior toward them.

I “The amount of A company paid to our company is …. Companies of this industry have ample funds. There are horizontal connections between these companies and they have similar problems. So we can approach to these companies all at once. The ways of approaches are…”

Boss “Market of the industry has been decreasing. Bring me documents and…”

More than that, I had sales. I wanted to give him a lecture for 100 hours… but I didn’t.

Lighten a ship of her cargo and move fast. Best wishes to you! By isso

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