
Why he/she can handle it? For 20-30’s employee’s exercise to break the rules

Busy period and off-period. I guess some of you drifted about at the mercy of increase and decrease of your work without knowing. It is extremely important to manage the schedule and divide office duties. However if you are faced with the situation which nothing can be done, how do you handle it?

Quintuple role

When you have double booking so many times, people around you might doubt about your managerial ability. But when you push the business on, overlapped the schedule proves business is moving. The point is not amount of work or overlapping but choice. Working on several projects at the same time makes improvement of your ability dramatically.

4 points of knowledge to enjoy chaos.

1 Realize that situation won’t change without you.
2 Bring your “pinch hitters” and force them to do all of your work
3 Precede meeting your “most important person”
4 “Anti multitask” Don’t do not important things to do.

Great Effect 1
You would learn how to make chaos situation simple.
Great Effect 2
You would focus on “individual” and you are free from trivial task.
Great Effect 3
You would learn how to involve someone and effective delegation.
Great Effect 4
It becomes clear that which person you should concern with and what your schedule might be.

Let’s show your presence and assure people around you. When people happen to be present they would have the guilty conscience. The people whom you should concern with have a sense of responsibility and they move on their mind. They don’t depend on you and they don’t have excessive expectations to you. If your schedule is overlapping, they would try to deal with it before blame you.

I’m always welcome. Best Wishes to you!


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