
Are you really tactless? For mid-twenties employee’s exercise to break the rules

Forgotten past

Talk too much on the phone, give someone your feedback is late, and don’t finish documentation. Because of a lot of work to do, you have to go presentation or go to business trip many times. So you finish your work late. Even your company requires you making efficient of your work, you have so many things to do and it takes much time. In spite of the situation your manager or colleague may say “If you ask me for help I would do that” “You should manage your schedule”“Hehe”

Human beings forget. Your boss, colleague even respected person may forget how you worked hard on past. They saw how you are miserable and say “It is not logical". When you are overloaded with work, think that your situation is just a trial ground for tomorrow.

Emergency! This is the solution when you are overloaded.

Process 1
Reduce the activity which won’t bring company a profit.
Process 2
You should give priority to your work and leave others work.
Process 3
Nobody helps you. Make up your mind and do it alone happily.

Don’t worry. The situation would change. If you follow these processes, you recognize which thing you should make priority. Then your work style would change dramatically. Actually some conflict may occur. But there is no harm. Don’t be afraid and keep going.

The Record which is nothing to be proud of.

I sat up all night 3 days. (I didn't take the nap until I had lunch fourth day)
200 hours overtime work per month (It doesn't count the time of dine together)
95 days of continuous work(I lived in the office almost 3 months )

If you want to challenge do it your own responsibility. Some twenties may think it is just piece of cake. I think I can’t sit up all night 4 days.

Serve for 35 years and attend the meeting almost 3 years

This is the number of years general employee attend the meeting before they reach retiring age. I estimated it takes 3 hours per week. Maybe it is much than I expected. By the way if I calculate lifelong wages as $2 million, you could earn $200 thousand from attending this “paid meeting”. If I estimate a head of department, 3 chiefs of the section and 10 subordinates would attend the meeting, it costs $1000 per hour. Do you think I underestimate the cost? When it comes to 10000, there are 700 meetings. It costs $7000 thousand per hour. If these meetings took 3 hours and they hold them every week, it costs $100 million every year. Oh, If I add the cost of documentation and it would be…

Let’s run alone today also.Best wishes to you!

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