
For all employee who are reliable. This is exercise to break the rules

Reliability and reward

I know you are reliable. Reliability is one of most important thing about business especially in Japan. Japan is small island and most of Japanese cherish harmony and reliable person. But I doubt “How far do we should do to become reliable person”

Dangerous misunderstanding

I guess you work hard to show someone your faith for meet their expectations. Of course people should not ask for return too much from everything. However isn’t there someone who overwhelms you in power and force you to do something you shouldn't to do. It is your duty to ask reward from people who demand you to show your reliability.

The rewards you should ask to receive

1 Cash. Money is thanks
2 Value. (Real good beauty, merit)
3 Opportunity. Something bring you benefit

*“Give me money if you sympathize with me” Time is money and life. You shouldn't spend your time for someone who treats you as slave. Let’s examine which person you should deal with. In this section I tell you a secret “proverb”. You won’t be indecisive any more.

*This quote is come from Japanese television drama "Ie-naki-Ko(A Child who doesn't have home)"

Secret Proverb

"This and that are different stories."

Let’s subdivide everything around you thoroughly and treat all of them as independent issues. All of human being mix up several issues and view something with partiality. However “there is no reality from past and future but moment in front of view”. This is my friend’s favorite phrase and this is quite effective. So I also use this phrase for 15 years. When you can’t make decision, this proverb would crush what you mix up and it would lead you to what you should do.

Best wishes to you! by isso


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