
These are 5 factors to create business report in 30 iminutes

"Is the business worthwhile to do?"

Your challenge to create new business maybe ignored from your boss or colleague. 
It is hard to people realize the image of your plan and growth strategy. 
So it is understandable people make fun of your activity or being skeptical.

Everything people call "It is new" are one of stone from the mountain which is piled up by pioneer.

Even people around you who have no strategy or said to you"I already know what you are doing" "The way you do is so miserable",  you should keep going.

In the first place "knowing" and "doing" is totally different. 
When you make strategy to lead your team,there is no one able to put into practice except you.

You shouldn't waste your time to fight with people who claim to work for target value or morality of organization. 
So don't make a conflict between your boss or colleague who says "Bring me report".
Before you get angry of your boss as"It is your job to work out a plan of operation", create material in short time and report them to prove that you followed what they demanded you to do. 
Then you can focus on your profitable business.

Stop making conflict between your boss or colleague who have no strategy.

They are 5 factors to prove that you allowed what they ordered you to do in 30 minutes

Factor 1 On first, calculate the profit if you develop the business.
Total proceeds of targeting company×%= 
Amount of money your company can earn

Standard of ratio about sales: 
Development:15%. Advertisement:5%. Sales Promotion:3%, and etc...

Factor 2 Find information about market about industry. Copy and paste.
If you are in Japan, you should buy *Gyokai-Chizu (Trade Map) and the information about the trade on material

Factor 3 Copy and paste the highest number of targeting company, trade and relative market. 
If you have Gyokai-Chizu you should copy the number from the book.

Factor 4 Write down the steps and image of expanding your business briefly.

Presence > approach a company > expand a share of a company > Approach several companies (the trade) > Expand to relative market

Presence 5 Find and write down positive key words about the industry's background and vision of the future. 
If you have Gyokai-Chizu find it from the book

*Gyokai-Chizu(業界地図) is the book which is written about all of industries structure in Japan.

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You will realize if you move forward. Best wishes to you!! by isso

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