
Switch your mind to take a rest efficiently. 3 things you should change your way of thinking

Release your mind.

If you want to work effectively, you need effective rest. Then contract a habit of release your brain is necessary for your effective rest. Though your mind tends to be full of business, for example your boss, your men, customers, next week business meeting, e-mail and etc… However, I want you to watch carefully people around you who were succeeded. Definitely they switch their brain quickly.

So let’s improve your brain function to make it easy to release your mind.

Honeybee’s “weird” waggle dance

According to University of Wisconsin biologist Barrett Klein, the honeybees which be disturbed sleeping might “waggle dance” weirdly. Honey bee use “waggle dance” to share directions to food and hives.
So if honeybees sleep insufficiently, they would receive bad influence. Other scholar also found out if the butterflies rest insufficiently, they can’t found out food and female would lay eggs on wrong plant for their offspring to eat. Efficient sleep is essential for bugs too.


Switch your mind to take a rest efficiently.

3 things you should do

No1 When you take a rest, take away PC and mobile phone

from your sight

No2 Investigate bedclothes for sleep well. Use bed which is high price and high quality. Pile up towel to adjust height of pillow.  Especially bed is important.

No3 First of all, laugh away.

What make you upset is negative information that absolutely no relation to you. If you sleep well and laugh away, your life become perfect.

To the place where laughter exists

"Hahahaha hehehe" laughter of girl resounds through the subway platform.  I thought "Is she OK?" She didn't stop laughing. Her family asked her why but she didn't answer. Then her family started laughing, too. Near to the office worker also started. I couldn't help smiling. "Oh train comes, hehehe" Train stopped but her laughing didn't.

Let's laugh at loud. Best wishes to you! by isso


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