
Manage sadistically when you feel your team lack a feeling of tension. This is new 3 provisions to become “bossy person.”

Your time is same as money. 
Make arrangements is one of the most important matter of business to earn benefit efficiently. 
There is always “bossy person” belongs to the team which discusses previous arrangement smoothly and has ability to respond promptly. 
Your business is no exception. 
If you lead your team, your men and business partner, you have to manage and encourage them. 
If you want to be a “bossy person”, what is necessary thing to do?

Put shark into Sardine’s water tank 

If person who manage the meeting lack of intensity, the meeting place becomes nothing of tension and wasting time (money). 
If you talk with just friends, it is your decision to let them wasting of time peacefully. 
Then you murmured “I’m not good at manage” on your mind. However, when it comes to business, if you leave lack of feeling tension, it becomes death blow. 
Let’s become a “bossy person” to manage the meeting sadistically.

Manage sadistically when you feel your team lack a feeling of tension. 
This is “New 3 provisions of bossy person” to proceeding condition rapidly.

1 Have deep attachment of treasuring your time
People who don’t waste own precious time wouldn’t waste other’s precious time. On the contrary person who wastes own precious time would steals your precious time without compunction.If you are attached with having free time, finished work early to play something, or going back to home early to go sleep, you would carry out the work incredibly fast

2 The first, get on the job by yourself as soon as possible.
You should realize that “divide the work” and “manage the work” is different. On first, you have to get on the job by yourself in a short time and as fast as you can. If you just divide the work to others, no one would help you. On the other hand, if you become “bossy person” and keep working even you are alone, some cooperator would show up sooner or later. Fortunately if someone involves your business, you can work at next matter.

3 How become friendly, don’t be content. Finish the meeting quickly to accelerate.
If it engages in idle talk, bring something to the end the meeting quickly. Good manners between friends. Your team needs feeling of tension and power for achieve the goal. If you feel lack of intensity, just finished the meeting, and bring your team the power and tension.


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