
Do what you want to be after 10 years .This is the thinking for office worker who is swamped with work.

Do you make a plan daily, weekly, or monthly? I guess when you look back your whole year schedules, you would realize new programs were added every year. Furthermore, you would notice these new programs changed your schedules like big streams every few years. I guess this change wasn’t your will. Probably you made the change unconsciously and it isn’t on the way of what you want to be. Do you work daily activity consciously or unconsciously? The results depend on you would conscious or not. 

Make a goal and do your best for the present. It is ok your goal is ambiguous. It’s better than nothing.
Don’t hesitate. It doesn’t matter what other says. It is necessary that you have strong will to improve the task at hand consciously. However, if you are swamped with work, it is hard to find the objective solution from usual standard. You need to look at long term, more than a year, and look back what you did on past. Then you will find the way to constitute a good result for your goal.

If you plan yearly it would spoil your present.
This is recommendation of making decennial plan to set a target and concentrate the task at hand.

[If you think about your 7 years]
Conventional thinking: Plan yearly and make a program immediately
Breakthrough thinking: Count backward from 7 years, 3 years, 1 year, 6 month and 3 month.
[Think about priority matter]
Conventional thought: Foresee regular event and the duty
Breakthrough thought: Foresee important matters for yourself and keep them.
[Record what you did]
Conventional thinking: Memory of the past
Breakthrough thinking: Experience is treasure. Lead your act and mind to the future.

Today is past of future. What you do today become experience for future. Let’s record your act and thought. Today never come back. You could evaluate yourself how many you work for the goal.

Manila Block

“I’ll go to Philippine that week and I’ll not in Japan” Senior opened his pocket book and there was some “blocks” of a week or 2 weeks were written. He told me he made the pocket book by himself. I could look out his schedule of a year. It seems like he can’t attend the presentation for client because the day we had presentation was he would be in Philippine. Leader of Sales team asked him to attend the presentation but he refused. I looked the book carefully and I found out he didn’t write a detail on it. After that I bought other pocket note. I tried to write some “block”. Then I realized I didn’t have any plan to do. I forgot that. I don’t have to do same thing as what others do. 

Let's scale up. Best wishes to you!

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