
Lecture of earning money for office worker. Arrange your wallet instead of checking a wage slip on end of month.

Health insurance, welfare pension, income tax, resident tax… oh, I forgot about unemployment insurance and union dues. People who belongs company have nothing more concern about their wage slip. 
It is written on their salary after tax. I guess they might be surprised about amount of tax. 
So some of them are reimbursed transportation expense to add their take home pay pathetically.
However, when you think the matters on a broader basis, it is kind of pointless you are affected by watching your wage slip. 
If you see something “earning money” point of view, taking long time and using huge energy to get small money is wasting of your time and energy.
One day decision
Yesterday, I attended my client very late at night and I went back to home by taxi. 
Today I had to settle the travel expense. 
I preceded monetary adjustment and data processing because it was end of the delivery month. 
But maximum preference was big business talk. 
After plan meeting was finished, I go back to office. 
I wanted to consult the chief about shortage of manpower. But he was reimbursed his train fare. 
I stopped to talk the issue with him. 
Everybody do as well as everybody can and do as a matter of course. I like myself and I act what I want to.
 My motivation of working is to challenge and achieve the big project with many people.
 Also, I earn huge money and I act for the purpose every day. 
I made the decision to I will have my own way to achieve the goal.
[Truth of money] Your income depends on  your wallet
3 customs to attract money
1 Stack note in same direction
2 Don’t fold note in two and put it straight on the wallet
3 Arrange your wallet and keep them clean.
Interestingly, money chooses where to “stay”. 
Money comes to individual or place where it should be to “stay” and change present state. 
Money comes where already has come because “You treat your money properly and you spend your money right way”. 
It is nothing concern with your reality.

‟Chicken or the egg”

Chicken came first! Best

wishes to you!

by isso & alejandro

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