
For 20’s employee who want to outstrip others. This is exercise to break the rule

There are two young employees.
First one had been working in this company 7 years and he was good at writing, planning and design. His occupation matched his ability and his client think highly of his work.
The other one was new employee and he made a mess of writing, planning. In addition his explanation was horrible. He didn't have any experience for his occupation. But 3 years later, one gain many people’s confidence. Which one do you think?

Mad Fresh Man

I guess some of you benefited the system that “Limitation of placement” “Welfare” “Compliance” and so on. Companies devoted themselves to protect you and their business by these systems.  Nowadays they are one of selection criteria for employee to which company they apply for. However, there is the one who don’t care about these systems. He just wanted to work hard. He didn't care about working overtime and working day-off. Of course nobody force him to do so.
The former employee I mentioned brings the company a profit 100% from what he had worked. The latter employee can’t bring the company profit even he worked 200%. He knew he couldn't and it is the reason he work hard. In all ages, there is an individual who is independent from anything and working on his/her own standard. Before drink alcohol and express your dissatisfaction, why don’t you getting started with your own standard?

Self-regulation at work. 3 articles for independent


1 Work over time to “Self training”. “Holiday work” doesn't exist.

2 “Train at away” Your home rule doesn't work at outside.

3 “Someone was seeing you” Someone know you work hard.


I know you work hard. There is no necessary to working overtime and working day-off. I don’t admire them. But if you work hard, it is only you who don’t know someone saw your effort. They know what you did and what you didn't.

One memo

The paper I wrote down some story had been thrown away with X-mark. My boss came back from Paris “praised” me “It is totally wrong”. My movie story which I sat up all night 3 days to made up had been killed one sec. Then he started to writing down short story on memo pad and he convinced the professionals at the meeting. It happens every time and I’m really mad about my understanding. But one person who attended the meeting told me “Thank you. Because of you, I got what your boss’s idea” Yes, there is someone else who didn't understand. Because of my story had been thrown away to garbage, he hadn't be embarrassed. It also made that my boss and people who attend the meeting untied the purpose. Before someone be embarrassed, show your idea to everyone even it would be thrown away. It is much better someone recognize your existence than nobody knows you. I still remember the person said “Thank you” after I got shocked.

Do for yourself today also. Best wishes to you! 

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