
For employee who want to make happy on Monday. This is exercise to break the rules

To you who are depressed because your vacation is almost over and you have to go back to work tomorrow

*Golden Week, New year’s holidays, *Obon Vacation, and consecutive holidays.
We take vacation and enjoy holidays every year. However we always feel our vacation is so short and we need a lot of energy to switch our mind. This is what we call blue Monday. How was your last day of the vacation?

*”Golden Week” is early May holiday season in Japan
*"Obon Vacation" is during August and most companies throughout Japan have their holidays

The morning of the first day after holidays

I heard many times that it is hard to concentrate Monday or just after a holiday break. But I think it is opposite. Actually sometimes we are out of it or hesitate to communicate someone on Monday. However, this time increase efficiency of writing or planning which we just need to think. From my experience, Monday morning, whole Tuesday and Friday morning are effective to work. Especially Monday morning is the best. I never lose my concentration. Let’s stop being depressed and make your work effective during that time.

3 actions to stop your depression on first day after the holidays

Just relax and make your condition ready to go back to work. There is no time to gloom. Let’s prepare for working during the holiday for get into the swing of things quickly.

1 Arrange your schedule on Sunday or last day of vacation
2 Don’t meet anyone during the Monday or first day after the holiday morning.

3 Start running Monday (first day after the holidays) morning.
It is no matter the distance.

Great effect
You could be relieved of your worries. You would find out you don’t have so many things to do than you expected.

The tips of feel comfortable on first day after holidays is “relieved your worries of the day”. Just relax.


“The view of “Matterhorn” from “Zermatt”” When I looked above the beautiful mountains of Alps, I felt it was earthy paradise. Then I thought “I’m looking forward enjoying “Colombia” next” Anyway it is hot. I went *Sento at the same time that it opened. The temperature of bathtub is so high and I thought I couldn't stay there so long. I left the Zermatt quickly and I went to “Colombia”. I ordered “hot coffee” and enjoy reading the rest of Comic book *“Vagabond”. There was no TV no newspaper and my mobile phone didn't ring. When I was 28 I had quit the job and I enjoyed my semi-retirement life a year elegantly. I enjoyed during I had job and worked whole year. I also enjoyed during I had no job and didn't work at all. The common thing between both is there is no work and rest.

Let's feel you are in paradise. Best wishes to you! 

*Sento is Japanese bath house. The wall of bathing area was painted and most often this is Mount Fuji. But some bath house painted European landscape.

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